Scan tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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So I've got my last scan tomorrow to decide whether I need a section because of my placenta. Looking forward to seeing bambino again but nervous incase I do need section xx
Good luck hun and hope LO's pillow has shifted xxxxxxxxx
Good luck, i had a scan tue but tbh its like a jigsaw. The babys r too big to get a full view on the screen at the same time, xx
I had mine at 34 weeks and it had moved so fingers crossed for you. The scan wasn't as good as the 20 week one - everything was squished and you couldn't really see anything clearly!!
Thanks ladies, hopefully it has moved I am dreading the thought of needing a section. Just as long as everything else is going ok then I will be happy, do they tell you an estimated weight at this scan does anyone know? Xxx
Yes they tell u the estimated weight, well i asked her. My princess is currently 5.5 xx
Mine had also moved at my 36wk scan, baby weighted appx 6lb 9oz

Word of warning they had to give me an internal scan as they could see 100% if the placenta had moved she said it was quite normal but nobody had told me lol I just wasn't expecting it
Thanks girls, scan went well, placenta has moved and baby is measuring perfect. Couldn't get any pics though because her head has started to engage. They want me to see mw for check ups weekly now because they think I could have her in next 3 or 4 weeks xx

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