Scan Tomorrow :( UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Hello well i havent been around much these last few weeks so i will do a quick update,

Got pos preg test on 13th feb then few weeks later started getting brown everytime i wiped also had blood on about 3 or 4 occasions never enough to go to the pad and only when i wiped,went to see the nurse and she told me that she wouldnt send me for a scan and just to go back if the bleeding got really heavy or bad pains (which i never did) but with having the miscarriage back in november i was positive this was another miscarriage !!
Anyway just got on as normal expecting bleeding to get heavy ect and to go on to miscarry but never happened then the blood and brown stopped so i wasnt really sure what to do, so rang up the mw (as i cancelled my booking in due to my bleeding)and she told me to go that afternoon (last mon)for a booking in and will get me booked for a scan which is now tomorrow and i'am really anxious and nervous and everything feel sick at the thought of it im trying to mentally prepare for the worst im in such a state right now :cry:
We havent told anyone about this preg just incase the worst did happen im not sure if i should go on my own or take my dh with me because i feel like if it is bad news i get worse when people fuss over me (am i making sense)and i really dont want to break down whilst im there !!
sorry for the long post and dont expect replys i just needed to get this off my chest as im going out of my mind with worry tonight.
Oh hun I imagine you are sooo worried, the fact that you stopped bleeding is great and had no more since which means it was probably nothing as bleeding is very common in early pregnancy.

I wish you all the very best for tomorrow and I wil be thinking of you, I hope you post on here with some wonderful news for us all! :)

If you fancy and chat (or even a moan!) then PM me hunny xxxxx

I can understand your worry, it is natural to be frightened. I hope everything is good for you tomorrow, there is a really good chance that it will be if your bleeding has stopped.

You're in my thoughts. Take care sweetie :hug: :hug:
Thanks for those comments :)

Well im even more worked up than last night if thats possible lol my appointment isnt till 2.40 this afternoon so ive got a bit of a wait yet.

I know that it's common for bleeding in early pregnancy but i never had it when pregnant with my son or my daughter but did in my last pg which ended in mc and thats why im feeling so sure something isnt right with this one.
I took another preg test last week and that came up pos and ive still been having tender breasts which is what confuses me im not sure if sypmtoms would have gone by now if it was an empty sac or missed mc ?
I guess i will find out whats happening later on today just dot have a good feeling about it :(

Another thing is when i was at my booking in app i said i was thinking of even getting a dopler to see if i could hear the heartbeat and she said i will give it a go if u want but dont be dissapointed if i cant hear it and she tried and tried and nothing i was 10 + weeks then and im 11+5 today but still have no signs of a bump not even a tiny little bit yet :think:

sorry for another long post cant seem to stop once i start lol and thanks again ladies xxx
hey hun i wondered what had happened with you and have been checkin for updates regularly, good luck for today i really hope everything is ok, sendin big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Lyn_no3 said:
hey hun i wondered what had happened with you and have been checkin for updates regularly, good luck for today i really hope everything is ok, sendin big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


Yeh me too hun.... How did things go hun? x
Hi huni, just wondering how you got on at your scan, please let it be good news...
Hello well im actually just in the door now and straight on here lol they make you wait around for ages i had my poor dh wait in the car with the kids because i didnt want them there as they know nothing about it all and i never expected to see anything.

Anyway fantastic news that hasnt quite sunk in yet but i actually saw my little baby jumping around doing and headstands and everything lol :cheer: :dance: im so so happy after that long and nervous wait was such a good feeling when she said theres your baby because i wasnt even looking afraid of what i might see.they put me bk 1 day im 11+5 due date is our wedding anniversary 20th oct.

does the risk of miscarriage go down once you reach 12 weeks ??
thank you all for your comments :hug: :hug:
Thats fabulous news!! I so over the moon for you hun!

YEYYYYYYYY :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :dance: :dance: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Oh hun I am so pleased for you. That's just brilliant news. You must be over the moon.

From what I've read in the books yes after 12 weeks the risks drop dramatically to something like 3%chance of it happening.

Well done you :hug:
such brilliant news!! That's great to hear, once you've seen the heartbeating and definately when you're past 12 weeks the miscarriage risks is drastically lowered. Congratulations!
Thank you all :hug:

Well i will be 12 weeks on saturday cant wait now lol im itching to tell people now even though its only 2 more days to wait ive already told my mum and grandad but i know they wont say anything just hope i can keep it in till sat dont want to jinx myself now.
aww what good news, i bet your so pleased, i am for you....

Please let this be a sign to all you ladies ttc, it can be done, and after 12 yrs it goes to show it..

big hugs and if your 12 weeks we shall you in 2nd tri shortly!!!

:hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
michelle- :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

OMG i must have missed this post hun while iv been away.

Im in tears after reading that im so so so so so happy for you, i cant believe it after all that worrying i told you it will be fine hun. :cheer: :dance: :dance: :cheer:

Your chance of having a m/c after 12 weeks is very slim and you will be fine hun.

Sent you a PM as well.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww thank you all your all so supportive on here its great xxx
Aww hun thats really fantastic news i'm so happy for you :cheer: :dance: :cheer:

i know they say that once you have seen your baby on a scan then the chances of miscarriage drop dramatically and after 12 wks they also go down so i hope your all set for a chilled pregnancy now.

Bet your hubby was over the moon when you got out and told him the great news

see you in 2nd tri in the next few days :hug: :cheer:
congratulations.I am really pleased for you :hug: :hug:

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