Scan Tomorrow, just got a few questions


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
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Hi all.

The day has finally arrived - well nearly! :) It feels like it has taken forever...!

We are off to the hospital tomorrow lunch time to have my first scan. :)

I have been told to drink about a pint of water 90 minutes before I go in. What would you all say is best to do?

I have a very weak bladder at the best of times, and I am really worried that I'm going to end up emtying my bladder before I actually have the scan. Aahhh, nightmare. But I'm terrible. Have any of you had to go back because of this? As they can't scan you when your bladders empty can they?

Also I've been told that you have to ask in advance if you want a photo. So I will do that when we get there, and apparently you have to pay for them. Is that right? How much are they?

I know things will differ as we are all from different area's but I'm just interested to know.

Thanks in advance girlies.

Awww I'm so jealous lol.
Firstly, try to do exactly as they've recommended with regards to the water. The more full your bladder the better the view! They tell you off if you say you've drank loads and you haven't, they can tell!
Yes you do have to pay for a pic, around a pound, although this varies by area.
Lastly, enjoy xxx
Mine cost £4!!!!

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£4!!!! That's scandalous, I hope it was framed! xx
Mine cost £2, but Lexus on here was charged £10!!!!!!!!
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Mine were £2.50 each and if your bladder is too full they will ask you to pee a bit. X
Mine were £2 each or 3 for £5, bargain lol x
Ha ha! Try paying $165!!!!! I have to pay this for every scan here in Oz! I can claim a small amount of it back though I suppose.

As for the water...I had a dating scan at 8 weeks and I made the mistake of starting to drink my 1.5 litres too early. I was told to finish drinking an hour before scan, but I started drinking almost 3 hrs before as I thought I'd be sick trying to drink so much in the space of an hour. I was in agony! I went to the toilet about 4 or 5 times to let out 5 second wees! Ha ha! On the journey every speed bump was hell and when I got there the receptionist told me to just let out a 10 second wee. I thought it was too long so just let out 5 seconds! Anyway, as soon as the sonographer put the thing on my tummy she said, "Woah, that's a full bladder". She continued to scan before telling me to empty completely, which was a welcome relief. The pics were much better once I'd emptied it.

At my 12 week scan I drank in the specified time and let out my usual 5 second wee in the waiting room toilet. Again, the sonographer said it was far too full and was squashing the baby so I had to empty it completely. My pictures were amazingly clear! I posted them on my thread, 'scan in 45 mins' if you'd like to see them.

I've had problems with my bloods and so went in again yesterday (a different ultrasound place with a brand new machine installed yesterday morning!) and was told to have only 2 glasses. Surprise surprise, I was told to empty it again!

I really think it depends on the equipment they use, but I'd rather have a full bladder and be told to empty than being told off for not drinking enough. My bladder too fills up quite quickly, so I'd say def only drink for an hour up to the hour before your appointment and don't be afraid to let some out if you need to!

Enjoy every second of it! (Sorry for the essay) xxx
Ooh I feel lucky, I got all my pics so far for free. I also had to empty my bladder during a scan (in the loo, not at the table lol) to try get better pics and had peed not too long before my 12 week one so don't worry too much about it.
How exciting for you!
When I had mine, I drank loads of water, so much that I couldn't drive to the hospital, it was so uncomfortable, so I had to go back to work, use the toilet and try again, in the end I took a litre bottle with me, and drank it on the way there, slowly mind, that seemed to work as he didn't have any probs finding LO.
Re the pics, he just printed 4 off for me, and gave them to me, didn't say I had to pay or anything, was like - thank you very much, and got out of there fast!!
Good luck though and hope it all goes well for you :)
I havent had to pay for any of my pics so far. I do have my 20 week scan at another hospital on friday so might get charged then. They never warned me to have a full bladder so all i had was a carton of juice i drank quickly in the waiting room. They still managed to do the scan but prob easier if bladder is a bit fuller xx
Hey! :)
Sorry I haven't been on since Wednesday. It was AMAZING!

Baby was moving around like a gooden. All is okay! :) I was speechless. Have a gorgeous piccy, they were £3.00 each! But the lady was really nice and only charged us for 2 but gave us 4. lol.

I can't wait til m 20 week scan now! I bet that is just incredible! :)

Yay! Glad to hear that everything went well! Hope you didn't suffer too much with the full bladder! :)


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