scan tomorrow, excited and nervous, **pics added,1st post**

im really excited to hear about the scan now!!

hope it goes well! :)
Hello girls, thanks for all the pink vibes. Baby is healthy and is in fact a girl!!!! Can,t belive it, never thought I,d have my own daughter, but I have. Pics will follow when I get to a computer. :D
Aww i've got 2 boys and a girl (and another boy on the way) And i remember my 20 week scan with my little girl, i was convinced it'd be another boy, and i was so happy to be having a daughter! A warning though - You will be overrun with pink stuff lol.
Congratulations xx
:dance: Oh congratulations! You must be so, so pleased. I'm delighted for you!
Aww hunny that's amazing! U must be so so happy to have ur pink bundle :) xx
Aaaw im so happy for you !!! So happy you have your little girl !! :) xxx
Thank you everyone, I,m soo pleased, defo on cloud 9 right now lol. Can't wait till friday now so I can do a bit of shopping. Not too much tho :whistle:
Thank you everyone, I,m soo pleased, defo on cloud 9 right now lol. Can't wait till friday now so I can do a bit of shopping. Not too much tho :whistle:

Yeah right! Lol! U will probably buy out the whole shop! Lol!

Do u have any names picked out yet?

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