Scan today at 12..Suposed to be Nuchal!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi All.

I have my scan today at 12.00. It was supposed to be the Nuchal fold scan but the hospital (or widwife) lost my details twice and so i will 14 +1 at this scan. So it is very unlikley they will able to do it. But they said to come in anyway incase my dates are out. Which i can't see happening as i have had 2 scans already :?

So they said they will discuss other screening options today if they can't do the nuchal. Like bloods and stuff.

But anyways at least i get to see peanut dancing again :dance:

At 14 + 1 is there any chance of seeing the sex. I thought it was too early but my boss said sometimes they can tell from 12 weeks! :shock:

Lau & peanut
14 + 1
Good luck !

I think it's too early to see, isn't it something like 15 weeks?

At least you get to see peanut though, say hello from us :D
Good luck with the scan today!

I expect some very experienced sonographer might take an educated guess at this point, but they would never tell you!

Officially its 16 weeks for a private sexing scan I believe!

get some pics up when you can!

I thought as much, but coudn't help wonder.
I suppose waiting till the 18th of jan isn't too far away :eek:)

Good Luck with your scan :cheer: , I think sometimes they can see the sex earlier, but officially they say 16 weeks. The problem is, if you ask them and they 'guess' you'll get your head thinking one or the other, which might change at your next scan when they can see clearer............I know it seems like your next scan is ages away, but its the busiest month of the year so hopefully it will fly by for you sweetie :hug: :hug:

Say Hi to Peanut for us :wave: :wave:
lmarszall said:
I thought as much, but coudn't help wonder.
I suppose waiting till the 18th of jan isn't too far away :eek:)


Lucky you...My next scan isn't until January 29th when I will be nearly 23 weeks! :?
Aw i feel mean cause i know how important scans are to us all and i get quite a few. Sorry :(

In out are you only get the 20 week scan and they have lately introducted the nuchal screening scan.

But i took part in the Southampton Womens Survey about 4 years ago. And it is about nutrition and heath of young women and the effedt it has on their babies.

When i did the survey i was like 'well i won't be having a baby but i'll help them out anyway'!! :D

Anyways i am glas i did now. It turns out you get scans at 11, 19 and 34 weeks. And a few other tests and stuff. I also had an early dating scan at 7 weeks.

So on top of that i have this one for Nuchal testing. So i get 5 in total!

Which i know i am very very lucky for!

It just goes to show take part in surveys, they might help you in the long run! I am so grateful i did!

Good luck hun. Hope it all goes well.

They should be able to see the sex by now. My sister found out the sex of her first child when she was 13 weeks pregnant and it was very clear.
Good luck - if you find out the sex you'll be one jammy cow!!! I had to wait till I was 20 weeks like most others :(
Hope it went well for you!

I bet they can tell the sex at this stage, I think they just like keeping it a secret lol!

OMG - I've just realised its 16 days til I find out the sex! Thats like just over 2 weeks :shock: Is it stupid to be nervous? lol :oops:

Hurry up and post pics Lau, cant wait to see!!! :cheer:

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