Scan this morning!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Wohooooo...finally it's here, we will get to see our bambino again in our 20 weeks scan!

Appointment is at get your bets in now....boy or girl!!!!

I'm so excited lol!!! X
Good luck !
Going to guess............Boy !
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Good luck! Gonna guess a girl :)

And don't forget we need a piccie! Lol! xx
Oh of course I will do that!! Pics galore coming your way very soon lol!
Good luck, mines 4 weeks tomorrow. Im guessing girl xxxxx
Good luck can't to be able to wake up and put this. Looking forward to lots of pics. xxxx
I'm going to guess girl!! Good luck hun, hope it went well x
Home now!! And baba is really healthy...everything is growing and at the right places!

When asked what sex the baba is, they told me it wasn't their policy to tell..booooo!!
Great news everything is ok but gutted it's not their policy :(. Are you desperate enough to find out to have a gender scan or are you just going to wait? xxxxxxxxx
Argh sucks about their policy! Will you get a gender scan? Even though i was told i still don't believe them coz i couldnt see anything! haha

Congrats on LO being healthy and glad the scan went well! Did the sonographer really prod you this time? I thought she was trying to push the thing inside me she was that rough!
Congrats on your healthy baby! Sucks that hey wouldn't tell you what the gender is. I'm having a gender scan tonight. It costs me 30 euro's (I live in Holland).

Oh no....

Still LO is healthy so thats all that matters :)

True! I'm just relieved that the baba is absolute perfect!
Don't think I would go for a gender scan...obviously I wasn't meant to know so I just let
nature take it course!! will upload scan pic soon so we can play that old guessing game!
X x
how mean!! I think i would have had her in head lock demanding to know :) xxx
Congrats, So mean that they wouldnt tell you pink or blue, You will have to post up the pics and let the nub experts here have a guess :)
I will need to put the pic up soon....!! Thanx everyone!!!

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