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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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ive got PCO :( I have found out i have cysts on my oveires im gutted once again, with this and the endo im not confident ill be having a baby any time soon, when will the bad stuff stop happening to me ive had enough :cry: :wall:
I know two people who got pregnant with this. My sister wasnt taking any precautions because she thought she couldnt get pregnant. This is her son (the baldie is my OH :rotfl: )

Yeah- i know im showing off mt gorgeous nephew :lol:
A friend of mine had PCO and she was told she would never have children she now has a gorgous 9 month old son. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw hun, im sure you will get pregnant and it will be all the more special! You've been through so much lately u deserve a break :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi hun

I have PCO and was told at 18 i would never have kids, well as u know i have 2 wonderful kids, dont ever give up babe.

The thing is with PCO the media etc makes etc sound like it's forever but it's not necessarily. They could deal with it in a few months and you may not have any probs with it after that, I knew someone who had it and was treated for it, but it wasn't many months before she went back to having normal periods. Or it might not really be effecting your fertility too much even at the moment, like tangerine said about her sis.:hug:

But sorry you've had such depressing news :hug:
aww honey, it is distressing news when you just need everything to be right because you want your little baby. :hug:
I hope I can cheer you up and tell you about my sister. She has very bad PCOS. Her doctor put her on Metformin medication and within two months she got preganat and had a really healthy pregnancy :cheer: :cheer: She had been trying for two years prior to that.
It is really worth going to your GP and asking about Metformin!
I wish you the very best of luck :hug:
A woman I work with had PCO and it only took her 3mths to get PG with the baby she's carrying now and got PG with her 7yr old first time trying so it is possible hun.

Don't lose hope :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: dont give up hope, at least they have found something that you can get treatment for.
and pco means u only have it on one ovary hun so bright side , youve still got one normal working ovary !

i had it on both , and still got pregnant! there's so many postive stories out there of peeps concieving !
thanks everyone for you kind words these stories bring me hope so thanks so much. I feel so lucky to have my Hope especially now, shes a little blessing, hopefully ill be here soon announcing a lovely bfp along with loads from all of you, wishing you all good luck and again a bbig thanks for those stories its nice to hear that bad news can turn into something good :hug:
Dont let it get you down, Believe me it is not the end, I have the same thing, and i have 2 beautful healthy children, its challenging, and DH and i used nothing to get preg in the past, were haveing some challenges this time around, but were not going to give up.. Stay positive, you'll get a BFP soon.. matter of time hun.
hey hun, i have the same thing,

got told at 18 i'm 22 now,

it's very common, apparently 1 in 10 women have it,

i just keep thinking that it will effect conceiving badly but from this post i can see that a lot of women have had children so that's made me feel better :cheer: :cheer:
My friend just got pregnant by accident. She has PCO's too.

Sorry to hear you are down, but please know that you will still have a family :hug: :hug:

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