Scan on monday


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Hi Im going for a scan on monday to see if my placenta has moved (it was low at 20 week scan). I was just wondering if i could ask to confirm the sex again because my partner wasnt with me the last scan and is coming on monday, and would like to see it for himself.

What do you think?
It won't hurt to ask. I've got another scan on Monday myself and will be asking (for my OH's sake not mine) if they can tell me. :)
Good luck for Monday. Hope all goes well.

I would ask them to confirm the sex, I can't see there being a problem. xxx
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: sorry... just I went back for a scan because I'd had a low placenta and fluid... we were told at the first scan (19weeks) it was definitely a boy where they showed us the boy bits...

When we went for the next scan three weeks later, they turned around and asked if we knew the sex, we said yes... it was a little boy... to which she replied... Oh no it isn't.. and were shown little girl bits...

this was AFTER we painted the nursery blue and brought boy clothes... lol... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: You might not want to ask them again... lol... :wink:
I am sure its a boy because when she was scanning me we both saw the (boys bits) at the same time. But i do have a little niggley feeling it could be a girl. Oh no i have brought so much boys stuff! :wall: :wall:
At my first scan they said girl. A week later they said boy, definitely.

I couldn't cope with that AT ALL so we paid for a gender scan, where they said definitely a boy. He was in an 'all fours' position and I could see a bum hole and a dangling doo da!

But I have to admit I am preparing myself for a shock when we go for our late scan on Tuesday morning. I am sure he is a boy, but I have learned to not be surprised by anything!
sarahdee said:
I am sure its a boy because when she was scanning me we both saw the (boys bits) at the same time. But i do have a little niggley feeling it could be a girl. Oh no i have brought so much boys stuff! :wall: :wall:
me too.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i have had a few scans and ask them every time, but the one last friday my baby boy gave us a full view of his privates and it was very clear he is a he and obviously very proud of them thats all we could see on screen :D

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