scan on monday!


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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it feels like ive been waiting forever for this scan!!! the last 2 weeks have felt like 2 months! i'm excited but alos worried cos of my miscarriage last time, i just keep thinking what if theres nothing there, and im not really pregnant? i know a lot of ppl keep testing to prove it to themselves but im so scared that it'll come out negative that i daren't take another test! lol

the thing im most afraid of is there not being a heartbeat, getting there and finding bubs has stopped growing at an earlier date and has passed on :(

i dont know why im feeling so negative, its not like anything is indicating that something wud be wrong, i just dont seem to have had symptoms anywhere near as bad as some of you and most of mine r gone now, grr i annoy myself so much, why cant i just be positive??? and ive got all weekend to wait now too :(
aww hun dont worry, i know itd easier said than done. Try to keep your mind off it, hope it goes ok :hug:
I know how hard it is. I was exactly the same before mine on Wednesday. You don't want to start thinking of all the good things incase something is wrong, but you know deep down it's all fine.

Remember, everyone is different when it comes to symptoms and they come and go.

Everything will be fine and wait til you see that little blob and heartbeat on the screen! :D

What time is your scan?
Best of luck for Monday! I'm sure it will all be fine. Please do let us know how it went and show us any pics!
Keep your self busy over the weekend and everything will be just fine!

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