Scan...long time waiting *updated*


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Hi girls

Im so depressed today :(

My Mum called yesterday to say the hospital had written to me with a scan appointment. They sent it to the wrong address for a start.

I went to Dr's last week and the Doc said he has a suspicion I may be more like 8-9wks preggo. AF came early last month so my AF could have been implantation. Anyway, he said my midwife appointment was too far away ( end October) and he would re-arrange and book for an early dating scan as thius would confirm dates and put my mind at rest. Ive had alot of pain but no bleeding. So, on the letter it has been booked also for end Oct! :( If that is the best they can do and I was 8-9wks last week Il be 16-17wks preggo by the time I have the dating scan?! And Il have no other scans in between. If I am 6wks now Il be 13wks by then which I spose is normal time for scan?

Il try to change it tommorrow but if thatsd the best they can do Il be so p**sed. What would you do?

hey hun

I have my appointment with her at the end of October. The Dr said he would try and change it but no luck.

Il have to call them up tommorrow and keep calm & ask nicely to change it lol

I'm in similar position, i have my scan next tues, i will be 9 wks but doc thinks I am probably 13, so i'm not sure if this will be the '12 week scan' or the only one i have before 20 weeks. Confusing. Also if iam 13wks is it too late for a nuchal fold scan (for downs)??? :?
this was my worry too, it being too late for nuchal fold scan.

thanks for your replies girls :hug:
i was 13 weeks at my first proper scan (had an epu scan at 7 weeks) and had the nuchal fold test. think they do it up to 14 weeks.

my anomaly scan isn't til 23 weeks either. its all very dependant on what health authority you're under

I went to Docs yesterday and trhey have requested for third time an earlier scan. Seems the hospital cant find the requests though :roll:
Im waiting for them to call me back.

Bleh... Stupid hospitals... Go to your hospital and demand a scan, alternatively go and pay for a private one... They aren't usually too expensive, if its just a bog standard ultra sound.

I had the same problem but I thought it was just the Spanish health system.

I was considered a high risk pregnancy cos of my history of illness and problems. But even though we went to the GP and the midwife several times, and they all requested an "urgent" appointment with the consultant at the hospital for a scan, I didn't get that "urgent" 12 week scan until I was 19weeks. :shock: By which time it was too late...

We did two things... One we paid to see a private sonographer to check the dates and two: we went up to the hospital as an emergency and complained until the gave us an emergency scan for the nucal fold test and the blood test.

They kept saying that we had up to 14 weeks. We asked them when the next available appointment would be, and they said not until August and this was back in July... my DH got irate and said if thats the case, do they have any equipment we can use to speak to the baby and ask it to stop growing for a few weeks while they got their finger out... and it worked :lol:. When they actually scanned me, I was 13wks +6 and that's when they actually started to pay attention... Also they found out I had a low placenta, so explained why I kept bleeding on and off.

Just keep putting pressure on them... go to the EPU say you've been having alot of pain and need to see someone...and just complain to you get answers. If they say you are later in gestation, ask them to see if the nucal fold is ok...if the baby might have downs, if you get a good consultant he might just have a look.
im having the same problem hun i need an early scan but they gave me 19th sep i said this was too late and im waiting for anougher one but by the time that comes threw i might of well stuck with the first one hubby was on phone to them and they told him they have lost my file grrrrrrr
manda xx
I phoned EPU and I have a scan tommorrow morning. The lady was really nice although at this stage she cant rule out ectopic :( I havent got pain at mo and I would have thought with ectopic it would be a continuous pain not coming and going?? Im a little worried but Il find out tommorrow anyway. My step-mum is coming with me as OH isnt that interested in seeing a 'blob' - charming!

Typical man... :roll: It would have made the pregnancy more real for him.
I know.....he said he is looking forward to the 12week scan instead lol! Im excited all the same :D
Good luck sweety hope all goes well for you,what time is it? xx
Had my scan. I saw the heartbeat!!!!!! :D I could see it before she mentioned it and I so wanted to cry. Bambino was hiding LOL but everything looks normal and my dates are spot on so Im only just over 6weeks. Its such a relief and now I can relax a bit more, although Im not out the woods just yet but pregnancy is viable and all looks good. Cant wait until my 12 week scan now.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Yay! Congratulations, I had a scan at 6 weeks and all it was was a flashing blob but it seemed like the most precious thing in the world! I'm really happy everythnigs okay :hug:

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