Scan in a few weeks!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I have my 20 weeks scan in just over 3 weeks, and for some reason im terrified. Im still not showing much at all and worried they are going to say something is wrong.
Did/does anyone else feel like this?
Any help girls?
Don't worry ,it is only natural to feel worried before a scan, but I would say that if you have had a good 12 week scan, the worrys would be slightly less, and just think of it, like a baby MOT.

You will love the extra length of the scan , while they check out baby, and then lady I had, was sooo nice, and she pointed out all the toes and fingers and connections ot the heart and brain, skull etc

It's also lovely to have that next milestone to look forward to Hun X

Are you planning to find out the gender or stay team yellow?
What dates your scan hunni - we may be near the same time - your 3 days ahead of me x
Aw, don't worry about it! I wasn't showing very early, you might find you suddenly bulge over the next few weeks!
I'm sure it'll be fine, look forward to piccies!

I feel the same. I have my 20 weeks can a week today and i don't think i have felt any movement yet. Some days i feel pretty big then others i'm like is this the rate things should be growing at?

I can empathise and i, like you, will be reassured when i have the scan next week. I have had 2 healthy scans previous to this one and i'm hoping for a third next week. You're not alone.
Well since i posted this i have ballooned, and have been feeling the 'fluttering' makes me see the whole thing in a different light, its amazing. Now i am more excited than nervous about the scan.
I have it on the 15th Oct so still almost 2 weeks away, just wish it could be sooner :)

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