Saw my midwife today....and...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I found out that they do have "birthing" pools in Spain and that our hospital is the first in the country to introduce them... but.. they are not "birthing" pools... No they are relaxation pools, because they won't let you give birth in them... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: They get you out before you pop.. What's the point of that??????? I tried to explain that in the UK hundreds of women sucessfully and a safely give birth in a pool, but nope... according to the Spanish Health Authority the baby might drown.. ?' :shock: :roll: What??? so they haven't been in water for the past nine months then???

Bah... oh yes... and I tried to explain a Tens machine... well.. that was fun too.. :roll: My MW looked at me like I was trying to endorse torture through electricity... :rotfl:

I've got a little bottle of still lucozade for my glucose test, even though, I do not have any problems.. but it's standard procedure seemingly.. :roll:

I also got a gift pack of cwap stuff... One solitary nappy, one pack of travel baby wipes, a carton of minute maid juice, bottle of water, two magazines, a load of paper junk that had lots of pretty pictures on it, but ended up in the bin and the deep sense of the loathing Spanish parents and their ability to afford 1000€ cots... :roll:

Oh yes... then I promptly came home and kicked the coffee table (NOT on purpose) and may have just broken my little toe.. :roll:

So all in all a nice change from my usual exisitance....
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sounds like ur having a crappy day hun, hope ur toe is ok :( Cant believe they think the baby might drown haha its crazy how its so different from country to country huh?!
i thought the big ".....and......." was going to be that she's changed the sex again :lol: :lol:
the midwifes probably arnt trained in water births... and thats why they are relaxation pools instead,.. you may still find benifit from them squig
I think a lot of places here they still like to evict you from the pool at the birthing stage too.

hope the toe gets better soon :hug:

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