saw midwife-questions!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2011
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i had my first appointment with the midwife yesterday.

it was teriffying and exciting at the same time.

she was talking about where i want to give birth and how will i choose to feed. surely its way too early to be thinking about things like that?
also, the appointment was over 2 hours long, is that a normal sort of time?

and i have been put at 'high risk' for several reasons, mainly mental health issues but also reccuring UTI's. i will have to see social services etc.

i also have to go through alot of tests, like diabetes check, a shedload of blood tests, scans that i dont think are normally offered straight away, like the one for abnormalities and conditions like downs sydrome, dont they only do that when it is likely because of genetics or something?

just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences and what do these things entail, like seeing a social worker.

i know its very early to be thinking about things like this, but once i get ideas in my head, im off!

sorry for all the questions, im pretty clueless at the moment! lol

any sort of feedback would be appreciated :)
oops, started writing this here and halfway through decided it would be better somewhere else, but forgot.
sorry, its probably in the wrong place now!

My booking in appt lasted about an hour and a half. Midwife discussed where I wanted to have baby and did discuss breastfeeding with me as well. The reason they discuss where is because in the NHS you can choose which hospital you want, not necessarily your closest or you can choose homebirth.

They take loads of blood scans to check for various things, blood group, HIV, Syphillis etc ...this is routine. They also check your wee for high blood sugar and refer you for a blood test if anything shows up in your wee.

Everyone is offered a test to check for abnormalities such as downs, it is your decision whether to have it or not....this should be done at your 12 week scan.

I am not sure what is involved with the social worker but your midwife will be exploring the best care and support for you based on medical history etc so try not to worry too much.

It is a scary but exciting time and can be overwhelming but just try to relax and ask as many questions at these appointments as you always have on here as well which is great!

Hope that helps a bit!

Wishing you all the best xx
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Hey hunny I am high risk also I have Depression so I am being refferred to another midwife and also social services are already involved with me. Personally I find them so supportive and helpful x

They always ask the questions about hospitals and birthing it just saves time later also gives them a good idea on how to handle your pregnancy.
ah, ok :)

i suppose im just getting a bit panicky, like 'they think something is wrong thats why they're doing the tests'

*paranoid!* lol

social services should be helpful then, and the specialist mental health team, ill need all the support i can get!

thanks for putting my mind at ease :)
Personally I've found it's never too early to think about what your choices are....cos all of a sudden BAM your pregnancy is half over and you haven't made up your mind lmao (me!!!)

Abnormality tests are offered as standard hun so don't worry about that. Its up to you whether you want them or not, but my personal opinion is that if something is found to be wrong and you decide to go ahead with the pregnancy it helps your birth team make all the best decisions for the care of you and baby.

My first mw appointment was over 2 hours long cos of my family med history and the fact her phone never stopped ringing lol xxxxxxxx
lol, her phone was on silent until the end so didnt have that problem!
i think we mostly discussed my ridiculously long mental health history. lol!
and of course the fact that i get on average one UTI a month, plus the occasional kidney infection. woe is me!

i usually do leave things to the last minute, and this is something that i really should do lots of preparing for! lol

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