Sarl1967 in hospital


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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Hey girls shelly just text me this

Morning hope u ok didnt txt last nite as was 11pm when got test results bak im in hospital
Had high blood pressure n slight protein -had blood pressure checked at hour intervals up to 3.30am n now 4 hours got tablets n just had scan wont b let hme 2 at least 2morrow missed mark (my oh)like crazy-txt when i know more xox

Hope she's ok she said it seems a trend with march mums lol xx
oh i hope she ok, and everything settles and they ler home as soon as possible.
Hope her blood pressure comes down so she can go home.
Ahh shelly hope your home and everything back to normal asap hugs! Ive just been to antinatal/diabetic clinic and my BP is raised too so I have to go back friday to have it rechecked and if its still high Im in too!!

Wonder if our March babies are also going to be Feb babies! xxxx
awww good luck hun, these march babies are certainly giving us the run around xxxxxx Thinking of you in there xx
Just got an update, Hi a kind of update
Scan was fine growth ok fluid ok baby has been monitored loads 2day all ok blood pressure was lowerin last check with tablets so everything crossed will b able 2 go hme 2morrow n attend day unit x

Really glad her and baby are ok :) xx
All the best Hun n I hope ur BP lowers. Take it easy xxxxx
Just another update for sarl

Hi hope ur well
Im going hme 2day got blood pressure tablets got 2 come day unit saturday and tuesday and b monitored if does start as pre eclampsia which doc dont think is will get me to 37 wks and induce im 36 on monday so thats not 2 bad otherwise can go 2 when baby wants 2 come even 40 plus wks
Will be catchin up on pf 2morrow no doubt x

Glad she is good now x
Glad to hear she's getting to go home xx
So glad to be home - OH said i was kicking up a fuss tuesday night as was late and was so tired just want to be home - we had been at hospital from 3.30 and was admitted at 11pm - well got home at around 5.30 in the end yesterday baby wouldnt be good for the monitor so they said - well what it was was baby was constantly active so the first midwife that was on said that babys usual have 20 mins fidget etc and 20 mins rest and baby wasnt - tried to tell them thats normal for peanut as he/she seems to go mad for a few hours then quieter then mad again - so in the end they but me back on about a hour later and guess what baby had settled down. Just hoping that my BP etc are ok 2morrow and the following checks -

A few plus things baby has now 100% gone head down no longer breech and is on track for weeks they said growth was perfect is estimated to be weighing 6lbs - this baby may get to march after all

Thanxs to Kole for updatting u all - hopefully wont be texting again until im in labour xo
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That's good news sarl. I never knew about the 20mins activity and rest, I doubt all babies are the same!
Thats fine sarl! just good to know you and baby are all ok, I think the twenty minute thing might actually be right for my baby lol xx

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