Sarah and donnas thread - read with caution LOL


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Right im secretly posting on here so shhhh!

I tested yesterday and again this morning and all bfn, fine its early i just couldnt helo myself :lol: but i thought id have a go at charting my CP as i havent done it and thought it might help.

I think i found my cervix, really had to stetch my finger up there too feel, was difficult and it felt small and hard. Im meant to test in 3 days, had bfn, when does the cervix drop for af?

Could i be pregnant and testing too early!?
PMSL, sorry, but I done the same thing, found it up there I think and haven't got a damn clue what I'm supposed to be feeling and tested yesterday the same like it's gonna show 4 days early. Oh dear :lol: Are you still testing christmas day hun?
xmas eve and day unless af rears her ugly head before then.
Sounds promising lovely! Good luck !

(I won't tell anyone you were here :shhh: :lol: )
mrs tommo your wording there made me nearly spit my drink out lol.
afew years ago i had a colposcopy and they couldn't find my cervix, it'd moved far back.. the next day i got a bfp.
i have no clue apart from that one experience on cp though.
Fingers crossed for you!
babyblonde said:
Sounds promising lovely! Good luck !

(I won't tell anyone you were here :shhh: :lol: )

I swore i wouldnt but i needed your expertise mate!!

I really need libs or mm on as they pros!

Lol jaded diamond, it could yet get worse...... :rotfl:
Well, lacking in expertise though I am, that is what mine was like when I got BFP........
hhheerrmmm, just going to the toilet, shall pop my info on in a mo :lol:
Right, mines highish, had to stretch to reach it, higher than 2 weeks ago. Its hard but soft at the same time and has a little notch on the side. ( i think) So who knows. Must admit I dont normally feel, maybe I should :lol:
Sounds promising too Donna!

If it helps - mine is high (have to reach in up to just past my second knucke to find it), it is quite soft and is closed (can just feel a little slit there - oh my lord can you feel when it is open, it feels like a doughnut!).

Sounds familiar?
I had to stick my whole finger in :shock: hahahahahaha. Never felt it when open so wouldn't know. Ooooo feeling excited :pray:
I have very long fingers :wink: :rotfl:

Fingers crossed for both of you!!!!

Am keeping seats warm in First Tri just incase (am lying across them all)
babyblonde said:
I have very long fingers :wink: :rotfl:

Fingers crossed for both of you!!!!

Am keeping seats warm in First Tri just incase (am lying across them all)
Got long fingers too hun with false nails :lol: could of been nasty :rotfl:
We'll see. But thanks for saving seats :hug:
Well donna like you i really had to bloody stretch my finger to cop a feel, dont help though i have short fingers. Om 100% sure its high and will be surprised if it can suddenly drop in 2 days till i test.

Might be longer as iwas 6 days late last time before i got a bfp with imogen.
Got fingers crossed on both hands, one for me and the other for you. Could be awkward to cook dinner, but oh well lol. Lets hope :pray:
OoOoOoOoO Donna heres hoping luv its our month and OMFG WE MIGHT BE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!
I blimming well hope so babe :pray: I'm going to test christmas morning. Are you gonna leave it till then or test christmas eve?
I have everything crossed for both of you (fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes - you name it, it's crossed)!!!
After reading this post I decided to have a little feel see what my cp was. It seemed to me to be quite high but since i've not checked it before im not sure. I'm not 100% sure what im supposed to be feeling :? I didnt realise that this could be an used as a indicator so dont really know what it would be like normally. I'm 10 days late now so presumably if I was pregnant it would be high? Sorry if thats a dumb question, as an indicator if it were low how much finger would you need to feel it :oops:

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