

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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hi everyone,
i just wondered if any of you have heard from samrbtson she hasnt been on for a few days and she is normally on everyday?
i know she has had some problems in her pregnancy so was wondering if she is ok?
she is being induced in 27 days just making sure everything is ok! :?
Don't worry, im still here. I've not dropped yet :) Thanks for your concern though huni!

I just had another 'eventful' weekend at the hospital, but no different from LO's normal tricks. Almost passed out again yesterday whilst having a scan :oops:

Are keytones (SP) the same as whiteblood cells?
pleased your ok sam i know what your like!! :D :lol:
i dont have a clue about keytones and whiteblood cells! ill leave that for someone else! :lol:
Cheers girlies :)

Its just the found keytones in my wee and didn't seem to be that worried. But then the other day they found ++proten and ++nitrates and it sent it off for more tests and it came back ok??
ditto. Still doesn't take much to confuse me at the moment :)
Ketones are related to glucose not white blood cells.

Hope it all goes ok :hug:
fothers said:
Ketones are related to glucose not white blood cells.

Hope it all goes ok :hug:

ahh! thanks. They mention so much stuff to me that i leave with more questions than i go to the hospital with :)
ketones are actually present in urine if the body is breaking down protein this is usually casued by dieting or infection so if there are ketones and protein then you have a UTI. However, Protein can be found in urine if you have had sex recently as Semen is protein (yuk) So if you have had sex and are on a diet then you could also have ketones and urine in your wee! Nice! lol
Make sense?? Clear as Mud! lol
Lyndsey said:
ketones are actually present in urine if the body is breaking down protein this is usually casued by dieting or infection so if there are ketones and protein then you have a UTI. However, Protein can be found in urine if you have had sex recently as Semen is protein (yuk) So if you have had sex and are on a diet then you could also have ketones and urine in your wee! Nice! lol
Make sense?? Clear as Mud! lol

Kinda makes sense. needed to read it a couple of times though! hehe. thanks Lyndsey!

Ive told OH no sex until after baby is born. he wasn't a happy bunny (neither am i! lol). :oops:
LOL Hubby won't come anywhere near me after baby moved when we were at it!! It was like a scene from Aliens..... after that he won't even think about it!!!!!!!!!

OH is becoming more intrested in bump as the days go by! talking to it and the like and he felt kinda silly before.

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