rugby - whos going to win ?


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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So who do you think will win tonight?
i voted no idea what you're talking about lol
I voted England, just because it's England. I have no clue which team is better though!
i hate to say it but i think south africa are gonna win :( ill still be cheering for england though.
everyone coming to ours to watch it and have some nibbles :D
well we are the under dogs so theres no pressure i suppose.

hope we win though! that would be great!

my spinning instructor is south african Hes a right sulky thing so im dreading it if they lose :lol:
I'm going to watch from a safe distance. My brother and OH will be screaming at the telly again.

Every time I watch England play, they always lose. I'm sure I put a jinx on them.... :roll:
I've voted England. I'm a footie fan and know zilch about rugby but OH has made me watch the last 2 games. Appartently we should never have beaten Australia and we should never have beaten France. Also we are the defending champs so fingers crossed. Go England!
I'm nervous about it but excited at the same time. As you know my OH is South African and a HUGE rugby fan.

I wish they could both win! I kinda want England to win but it would be nice for OH is SA win too so :think: Will have to wait and see!
As I am Scottish - I voted South Africa - hahaha!!! It's true tho!!

Come on South Africa!!!!! Wooooooooohooooooooo!!!!!
I think we will win.

I have decided that our Mr Wilkinson will win it for us and then Slaley will be over run with rich and influential people who will spot me....and give me millions and millions of pounds for being wonderful :D
Based on their last has to be South Africa, although I hope it is England.

I am not watching it, off to the pics!
i want england to win but got this nasty feeling it will be south africa really hope i am wrong tho COME ON ENGLAND
man on the pitch!!
must be a disgruntled frog :lol:

and that try should have gone through :x
We were robbed!! that was a try!!

OH is almost in tears here, mins to go and we look beat :cry:
Well my OH is over the moon bless him. If it was football I'd have been cheering for for England all the way, but my OH is a REAL rugby person, has played and followed it his whole life, so he got his wish so I'm happy for him :)

He's put up with crap all week at work, all his mates gobbing off etc. Now he can tell them to stick it!
well, i'm gutted for the boys but actually sat crying because the littleboy go scared :cry: :hug:

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