Ruby full of cold...

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Had my first sleepless night in 8 months last night...

I am honestly not complaining, I know how lucky I am with her but I just feel so sorry for her...she is full of cold and is so bunged up and snuffly. She woke every half hour through the night she settled on me in a chair but the second I lay her back in her cot, she would start to whine....

She had been bright as a button today, but would not nap-she normally has 2 good naps each day. By 6pm her eyes had black bags under them and she was exhausted.

Given her some Medised from the chemist, she seems to of settled for an hour or so tonight....what else can I do to help her?
would it help to raise her mattress at top end by putting a blanket underneath mattress ( not underneath her directly) Lying flat always makes snuffles worse?
Medised is good, helps them to breathe and should help her have a decent kip. Try rubbing a little Snufflebabe on her chest, or put some Karvol on a hanky near hear her cot. If her snuffles get really bad, try running a hot shower and take her into the bathroom to breathe in the steam for a while.

Hope Ruby is better soon :hug:
krystalmair said:
would it help to raise her mattress at top end by putting a blanket underneath mattress ( not underneath her directly) Lying flat always makes snuffles worse?

Thanks :hug: , just popped in and shoved a blanket under the hea end of matress...she is asleep still, keeps waking and makng little noises like she is about to cry but I think she is sooo exhausted she cant even cry!!! I am in our bedroom next door on the laptop incase I need to go in to her.
it must be going round, luke is chesty really wheezy this morning but mum said he has been happy all day, it always seems worse at night doesn't it,

hope ruby feels better soon x
Had a better night last night, she only woke 3 times....she was ok this morning but by afternoon she was dreadful. Her little eyes are red, with big bags under them and they are watering and seem to be starting with an infection in each corner...she has cried most of the day and just cant seem to settle....if she is no better by morning I am takng her to walk in centre
Daddy has just gone in to her, mummy threw a wobbler...I am worn out, it been a long day-luckily we are off work this week.

I have been in to her every 10 mins since she went down at 7.30pm..she is standing up in her cot and holds her arms out to me...I cuddle her and she nods off on me in the chair straight away..5 mins back in her cot and she is crying again.....she is looking at the door saying "daadddda", waving at the door, then she turned, whacked me in the face and bit me hard on the arm :shock: I am gutted!!

I am in the bedroom next door while OH tries to settle her....I cant bear her crying, she NEVER cries!! I eel so helpless, an she looks so dreadfull, her nose is red raw now and she has two red eyes. My poor baby girl :cry:
aww hun :hug: is she any better this morning.

i find alice gets cold quickly, so i pop a hot water bottle on her bed to warm the covers slightly so when she goes into her cot, it isn't as cold. sometimes it does the trick.

don't be too hard on yourself though huni. when alice plays up, if she doesn't get her way with me, she wants daddy, and vice versa.

a hug from me and alice for ruby :hug:

and one for you :hug:
Awww poor Ruby!( Poor mummy and daddy too :( (
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Has she been any better today?
Thanks lades, havent been on much as she has been so clingy, and has been really hard to settle..

Yesterday she seemed better in the morning but after her nap at lunch she woke with really gungy eyes...I took her straight to walk in centre at local hozzie, she has raging conjunctivitis (sp?) in both eyes...I feel awful for not taking her sooner, have been bathing her eyes with cooled boiled water and they were clearing up but yesterday she was awful. They gave me anti biotic eye drops for her which I have to put in every 2 hours, and so far so good, they were quite clear this morning, and she has managed a long nap today, and is even smiling and giggling again so she must be feeling better!!

I am now full of it, and my throat is red raw :cry: Typical, Iam back at work tomorrow after 2 weeks off and I am ill :roll:

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