ruben has outgrown his carrycot and his carseat!!!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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this is madness, he is only 12 weeks! as we don't have a car the last time we used his car seat was 3 weeks ago when my friend and i went to warwick for a day out. then yesterday when a friend came to pick us up in her car, i realised ruben could only just be squeezed into it! his little legs were awkwardly bent while he was in the car, and i couldn't even wedge my hands in around him to pick him up so i had to grab his arms and pull him forwards!

and then today when i went into town i realised what a tight fit his carrycot on the pram is as well... he's not got room to move his arms and there's only 2 inches of spare space lengthways as well! i'd not noticed before as due to the cold weather he's been covered with a blanket up until now! 2-3 weeks ago i put the pushchair attachment on just to try it, and he looked lost in it - today when i got back i decided he'd HAVE to go in that from now on, so i changed the carrycot for the pushchair seat, and he didn't look lost in it anymore at all! the cat is very happy about this, and has already claimed the carrycot for himself the cheeky rascal:


i ordered him a brand new carseat (one of those convertible ones from 0-18 kg, approx 0-4 years) which will arrive tomorrow. :dance: it was a bargain too and i'm well chuffed! (when my mate gets her brand spanking new car on saturday we'll take ruben for a spin in his brand spanking new carseat! lol) i really like it, thought the price was a joke first at £32.99 + £8 delivery for a brand new one!


and tomorrow will be ruben's first trip into town in his "big boy pushchair"! yay!
hey hun where did u order the car seat from? I need one like that for my hols to check onto the plane. My current one is M+P and has a huge base and is too heavy. Is the one you ordered polystyrene? any other colours?
i got it brand new from this ebay shop:

they do it in pink and blue too



these are £32.99 + £8 delivery, they also have others slightly more expensive.

mine will arrive today, i just wish it would get here soon as i don't fancy being stuck in the house all day with the lovely weather... want to take ruben out in the newly converted pushchair and see how he likes it! lol
Blimey those are cheap. check they have the correct saftey info.
thats ok then, nothing personal but i went toward a known brand i.e britax.. (having alreay been in an accident with my little one)
Once you have it installed the fire service will check you have it fitted correctly.
They told me that ther should be no sideways movement once installed, een if you grasp it quite firmly and pull it back and forth.
(this is if you get hit fromt he side in the car.
Thanks for that, Im likeing the pink one :) might order one next week
p.s when you get it could you tell me if it is light please, thanks for your help.
What age can they go in forward facing seats? Seren is quickly filling her seat at the moment.
they MUST be able to sit up on their own and support thier own head before they face forward, as if they are in an accident forward facinf before they can support their own head they could damage their neck - eqiuvalent to shaken baby sydrome
At 6months would it be ok? I think ella will be sitting by then she holds her head really well and sometimes sits by hersef for about 7 seconds.
I was advised by a fireman who goes round checking peoples car seats

"not to try to be in a hurry to get them to face forward, although it is awkard to get them in and out, reward facing is THE safest way to be in the car. when placing them forward they should be able to sit COMPLETELY unaided for at least 1 minute, this proves they have good head control and strength. When you do place them forward it is best to have the seat full reclined for a little while so they can get used to trveling forwards and then gradually bring the seat up to sitting."

Ewan was put forward facing one month ago, at 8 months. they advise that it should be 9 months but i was constantly hiting his head getting him in and out, but ewan sits totally on his own from 7.5 months
ah right might be best to find a lightweight polystyrene rearwards facing one then, its just for my holidays. But then in another few months Id have to go and buy a forwards facing one. Ill see how she goes with her sitting ect and decide nearer the time.
i got it and it looks really good and sturdy. it is heavy and quite big though, so perhaps not too god for that holiday you mentioned.

ruben will use it rearward facing for now, then forward facing when he can sit unaided, as it can be used both ways!
It's a good tip when fitting a car seat like that to actually put your knee into the seat part so all your weight is in the seat. You can really tighten the seatbelt if you do that.
Some newer seats have a seatbelt tightening thing on them, but otherwise I'd recommend making sure you have all your weight in it when first installing it.
Hmmmmmm im gonna have to get a new car seat soon, and im going on my hols in october so will have to think about that!
thanks for the tip urchin! i will make sure i do that! the seat will be going in and out of various cars all the time as we don't have a car and so just get lifts off other people occasionally, so i'm pleased it looks fairly easy to fit!

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