My mother in law and father in law did it for three weeks and he lost half a stone and she lost 3 pounds, so it didn't really go too well, apparantly a lot of hard work for very limited results. Sorry
I hate diets that are hard work, if it involves having to weigh food I get annoyed!! And no roasts sounds like a marvellous reason not to do the diet!!!
go for a healthy eating salad type diet instead and then you could have a roast on sundays as a treat. Maybe inventing your own diet would be easier, thats what I do! I don't like rules!!!
I dont think any "diet" is a good idea. Every one knows what a healthy meal is and what they should and shouldnt eat. Throw in a bit of extra excersice (i can never spell that ) and your bound to lose a bit of weight. I have one of her fitness videos and its ace
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