Right ladies i realllllllly need help :(


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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Its my little princess's naming ceremony 6th ocotber, so i have like 6 weeks? i think lol to try and lose some weight!!!!


whats the best diet?

thanks in advance....

Laura x

oh, and im still breastfeeding my bam! so its got to be bf friendly....

EDIT... just looked, i have 2 diet clubs close to me:

Rosemary Conleys

Weight watchers...

But i cud do an online diet too i suppose...

what you reckon...

i HAVE to lose weight if i dont go on a diet soon im gonna pop :l
I've heard good things about weight watchers :D

Good luck hun :hug:
I really need to lose weight but i can never be arsed to do anything lol :lol: :oops:
For me its got to be slimming world. I've been on SO many diets and I love this one, its more of a lifestyle change than a diet. You can also do it while pregnant and breastfeeding. I never feel hungry, theres no weighing, no calorie counting, no points, you can eat until full! Its great :D
I've lost 21lbs so far :cheer:
I have just started eating healthily and not bothered joining a club. I have joined clubs before but given up after a few weeks due to them costing so much. I have lost 1 1/2 stone now on my own. Do you do exercise? I don't really but I started losing the weight when I returned to work as I work on a hospital ward and walk around a lot whilst i'm there. I am going to make sure I go swimming once a week from now on aswell which will hopefully help me lose a bit more. I want to lose about another stone. My average day is:

Bowl of cereal or butter and WW jam on toast

Packet of Walkers baked crisps

Granary bread sandwich or Low fat micro meal


Lean meat with veg and gravy, chicken curry with rice, Salmon with oven chips, Sweet and sour chicken etc

Low fat yogurt

Try to drink lots of water too as it will make you more full.
i would recommend slimming world or weightwatchers. i have found weightwatchers better to get the pounds off quicker but its calorie control so im unsure whether it would be right for you, do u need a certain amount of calories when BF? slimming world is more eating healthy.

i have never heard of rosemary conleys tho, has anyone else?

Ive found that walking lots, eating a well balanced diet has helped me loose a few pounds :D

Fruit instead of chocolate :lol:

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