Roo's Due Date :)


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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So today is Roo's due date based on my 12 week scan! But I have a feeling he is going to make me wait til at least 30 June/ 1st July which was my due date based on ovulation as I was charting, but we will see :)

We are all ready for lil man to make an appearance whenever he is ready and at the mo I am relatively calm and not feeling impatient! This weekend would be a good time to arrive though Roo, are u listening?! Lol xxx
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Good luck :) hope lil roo doesn't make you wait too long!xx
Come on Roo! Not long and he'll be in your arms x
:yay: Happy due date hun!! You never know, with dd I was put back a week and didn't want to believe it, but I actually went into labour on the day they said I was due! So have listened to them this time when they put me forward 4 days lol. Hope he arrives soon. Good luck hun :D x x
Happy due date hun, hope little Roo does not keep you waiting too much longer x
Sooo happy due date!! Hope he makes an arrival soon :D xxx
Happy due date! come on little Roo, mummy wants to meet you! xx
Oh wow where has the time gone?? Happy due date hun xx
Ooh exciting hon, can't believe it's here already, I remember us wishing for this in ttc seems like just yesterday!

Come out Roo it's time to meet mummy!! xx
Pleased your feeling relaxed about it all, can't wait to hear some news!!! (for me and you) xxx
Happy due date Kanga!
Hope Roo gets a wiggle on and hears your hint for a weekend arrival Xx
happy due date!! :)

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Happy due date Kanga!! C'mon Roo, we all want to meet you :)

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