

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Ok I have a little dilema - I have a large 3 bedroom bungalow. My DH and I have the bedrrom with en suite, Lily has the smallest bedroom (still a fair sized double) and the biggest room (its massive), is the spare.

If we are having a boy, the plan is, Lily in big room, baby in Lilys room, we stay put. But if we have a girl, to putthe two girls in together and have Lily's current room as the spare room.

Is this bad? I like having a spare room and we often have guests! xxx
My mum and dad had a 3 bedroom house, but when my sister was old enough she shared my room. I've never asked why they didn't give her the other bedroom, i remember being very excited about our bunk beds though!
I know what you mean, I have a 3 bed house and one room is for my younger sister who I care for and the other bedroom will be for baby, obviously they will not share but I'm still a teeny bit disappointed at the thought of loosing my spare room. Blow up mattress in the living room for guests! :lol: xx
It's not bad at all. Although we've decorated the nursery there's still a double bed in there. I'm dreading losing it as a spare room with G needs to go in there. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I grew up in a 3bedroom house with my mum and sister. And me and my sis shared a room untill my sister was a teenager... Never actually thought anything of it... Just realised reading this we could of had our own rooms haha!!! Personally I loved sharing with my sister :) had lots of fun ( and plenty of fights dont get me wrong) haha!! Especially if they were in the big room they could still have there own space :) sounds like a good idea xx
We had a 3 bedroom house when we were growing up, had my own room till my brother came along, then had to share and hated it, so putting them together at a young age could be beneficial. Didnt move till i was 14yr but by then with 2 sisters and a brother we needed to. Just thinking now, I may need to move only have a 2bedroom house (EEEEEK) hope we have a boy, dont fancy moving again, love the area and my neighbours and its close to town too.
I shared a bedroom with my brother until my sister was born and I really liked it. It was nice to have company aswell as things that kids do like making daft plans! I shared a room with my sister until I moved to my dads when I was about 14. x
Hubby and his sister shared a room until he was 6 (she was 7.5). They both still to this day recall the mischief they use to get up to and they are pretty close. As an only child it is lovely to watch and I would love for our LOs to share a room whilst they are young regardless of how many rooms we have xx

Great! This makes me feel better! Thank you ladies! I have an older brother - but we always had separate rooms so didnt know if putting girls together was normal!! xxx
My older boys share a room and although we are looking for a bigger house they have made it clear they want to continue sharing, their room is like a 'club' and they do get up to some interesting stuff but they love it so I think it's a great idea!
My 3 youngest share a room and I have 2 boys in another room. When this baby is old enough she will share with my 2 girls and the 3 boys will share and my oldest have the small room to himself. Although he keeps telling me he will be moving out when he starts college so the boys will have to draw straws for his room lol. I have no problems with them sharing as my bedrooms are huge and they love the company x
i think you have the right idea hun, keep to it dont blame you x x x
Me and my sister always chose to share until we were about 13/14. Despite having enough space for a room each, we both liked the company
Depends on the kids.
I was forced to share with my brother until the attic was converted into a room for him (he's the oldest)

Hated it - he used to beat the crap out of me. Even when we eventually had our own rooms I hated been in house alone with him as he would still beat crap out of me - be real bad and naughty and blame it all on me when parents came home (and my parents always belived him)

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