Room for another?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Hello ladies!!

I've been told to ignore my ticker and that I should be in Tri 3 now, so here I am.

I have got no idea where Tri 2 went! Can't believe this pregnancy is going sooooo fast!

I am excited to be joining Tri 3 but nervous too- Tri 3 is the land of mucus plugs, labour watches and pain it seems :shock: hehe!!

This is going to sound very strange but I am sure I am not the only one- although I know and accept I am pregnant, I still can''t get my head around the fact that there will be a baby at the end of all of this :shock:

Still, looking foward to sharing the final part of this journey with you all as we wait to meet our lil ones!

Welcome to tri 3 hun :) Don't worry you're not the only one who can't get your head around the fact you'll have a baby at the end of this, I still can't either. i get very excited when I see a labour thread but really can't believe pretty soon that will be me! We were at a wedding this weekend and even telling people I've got roughly 7 weeks left hasn't made it sink in, I don;t think it will until I see my little man :) xxx
We'll dip our toes in together.
I can't actually believe I'm in tri 3 lol x

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haha don't worry. I don't think I have realised that I am growing an actual baby! I don't think it will seem real until baby is here :) Welcome to tri 3 xx
Welcome to tri 3! I feel exactly the same, it just feels so surreal theres going to be a baby at the end of this! And myyy baby at that! lol I'm sure itll kick in soon :) xx
Welcome over hun. It's full of excitement in here!
Welcome over here! I know what you mean, it's mad how fast tri 2 has gone xx
Another tri 3 newbie too although I have been here before when pg with my ds!
Another tri 3 newbie too although I have been here before when pg with my ds!

I am completely new to all of this as he is my first. If I'm not mistaken, you and I have the same due date- 11th August?

Welcome to tri 3, hun. Not long now. Eep! Enjoy your last three months - it is going so quickly for me. xxx

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