Room for another one!

I'm as sane as they come, the voices in my head told me so :D
Vicki83 said:
I'm as sane as they come, the voices in my head told me so :D

Are they telling you that you should really be doing some work? :rotfl: :rotfl:
No, they are telling me to skive on this board, i deserve a break they are saying. I think they're right :think:
I agree, you work far too hard and need a break :rotfl: :rotfl:
Beleive it or not, i am doing work as we speak, but just pop between the two!
well i dont believe are posting far too fast to be doing work aswell :shakehead: :shakehead: :talkhand: :talkhand:
See, 3 enquiries dealt with and inputted into the system, go me!
Welcome :wave:

Did you bring any cak??? We are a hungry bunch in third tri (well, I am anyway :oops: )

A nice BIG iced sponge with butter cream would be great if you are stuck for ideas?? :rotfl:
zoe c said:
Welcome :wave:

Did you bring any cak??? We are a hungry bunch in third tri (well, I am anyway :oops: )

A nice BIG iced sponge with butter cream would be great if you are stuck for ideas?? :rotfl:

Yep I second this, you gotta bring us CAK if you want the key to the 3rd tri door :rotfl:
No I totally forgot :oops:
I even said in LucyBee's new thread, damn pregnancy brain!
Hope this makes up for it (yum, yum, I'm off down the bakery!)



oh yeah that makes up for it hun :lol: ,you are more than welcome to stay :hug: xx

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