Room 101


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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What 3 things would you put into room 101?

1. Bacon plastic packaging.

Its bloody useless, that stupid little tab that you're supposed to pull to open the packet never bloody works, always pulls off in your hand without even making the slightest small hole sl you could prize your finger in and open it easily. Oh no so then I have to get the scissors out and cut into it. Wast of time in my opinion. Those companies must spend extra money on a machine that makes those little flaps. Well I wouldn't bother, make packaging without them my life would be so much easier cause even though I know the flap will never open the bacon I always have to try in the hope that one day it might just open.

2. Text language

This really annoys me. I find it hard to read let alone begin to attempt to type in that manner. I was educated English at school along with every body else who had a secondary school education so that's what im going to speak and write, not some mobile phone made up language because someone is too lazy to speak and type properly. So it really bugs the hell out of me, just use predictive text its so much easier to type and the end result is much more cooler than some gobbledygook that my brain cannot process.

3. Voice Activated Phone Lines

You know the ones where you dial the number and you have to say "Yes" or "No" or some other random word before the digital voice at the other end can assist you. So you say yes and it cannot understand and asks you to repeat, so you say it again but a little louder, same thing happens again and you go on and on shouting yes down the phone, saying it in a slightly different accent, maybe putting on a posh telephone voice till at last the digital voice understands and presents you with a list of options from 1-5. Then you start all over again because it cannot understand which number you are saying! What happened to inputting your account number and then being transferred to a real person who can actually have a 2 way conversation with you and find out why you are calling.

Ok my rant over.

Room 101 anybody?
Am I only allowed to pick 3 :lol:

1. People who sing with their accents - Kate Nash, Adele are prime examples!

2. Anthea Turner...... 'nuff said! :lol:

3. Croc shoes, they may be comfy but they look like poop!
1) Cockroaches
2) housework
3)Did I mention cockroaches :think:
1/ middle lane drivers on the motorway. oh and audi drivers. in fact, most other drivers full stop :twisted: :twisted:

2/ stupid people

3/ fresh coriander :puke:
1 - Beetroot (it is the most vile thing I have ever tasted EVER!!)

2 - Rude shop assistants :evil:

3 - People who cut you off mid sentance to tell you something that is not relevant or interesting :talkhand:
1 - People who walk REALLY slowly in town and kind of veer from left to right so either you can't get past them, or get crushed between them and a shop! Grrrr!

2 - Shop assistants who work behind the till and can see your waiting, but keep jabbering away to their work mates for ten minutes before they decide to serve you.

3 - People who stand looking at products in an ailse, so far away from the shelves that their back is touching the shelves behind them, and then TUT when you walk in between them and the prodcts they're looking at! WELL MOVE CLOSER THEN!!!! :evil:

Phew, sorry, had a bad day in town last week!
Boo can we only have 3-Ive got loads !!!! :rotfl:

1. Whingers and people that moan

2. Roaches (like the other person) :puke:

3. All the tv progs that end in a phone in competition with a ridiculously stupidly easy answer and then they give you the 3 choices :wall:
1)my mother in law :rotfl: please god someone take her :rotfl:
2)cyclists that hog the road so you cant get past them or even worse 2 cyclists that ride side by side!
3)old biddies with shopping trolleys.sorry but well :oops:
1. Celery

2. Stupid shops that you can't get a pushchair through

3. Drivers who think they own the road
Suzie and Faith said:
1. Celery

Thats in my hubby's top 3 as well, he hates it, I love it match made in heaven! Same with marmite, he hates it, I love it, he wont even kiss me on a morning when he leaves for work if I have it on my toast.
1) People who get pissed on trains. It is TRANSPORT, not a pub on tracks.
2)Winnie the Pooh
3) People who title threads 'OMG!' (which tells you fuck all about the subject) or title threads with people's names because they seem to have forgotten where the PM button is.
1) Daddy long legs- WTF is the point?!
2) People who drive and talk on their phones, especially on the motorway :eek:
3) This stupid obsession with being flawless and airbrushing photos etc to make the rest of us feel inferior so we spend more and more money :evil:

Oh and while we are there can we put all the cakes and biscuits in there too so Im not tempted to eat them :lol:
1:- anything requiring batteries , i have a strange phobia of batteries running out i even make our LO play his DS whilst the charger is plugged in, and Kobi is 6 wks and i havn't used his swing yet for fear of the batts running out :oops:

2:- car boot sales,i done my first one on saturday and bloody hated it, i was selling a nearly new dyson for £15 and the woman knocked me down to a tenner only to have it priced up on her stall for £40 :twisted:

3:- talcum powder,i hate the stuff, it's unhealthy, useless and messy GET RID OF IT
Minxy said:
2)Winnie the Pooh

I agree with you there, cant stand the yellow bear!

Sister in law loves to cross stitch so we have various things done by her like our wedding date which is lovely and I knew we would be receiving one with Maia's birth details on so we kept on moaning about how everything is Winnie the Pooh and how we weren't keen on it just so that we didn't end up with a Winnie the pooh cross stitch!
Fleas/headlice, I mean WTF is the point of them?

Exs that have pissed me off - go figure

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