Roller Coaster!


Active Member
Jul 15, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

Just thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm Louise, 33yrs, from Swindon.

I've had 2 previous miscarriages from a previous relationship a few years back.

I found out I was pregnant again just recently - which I'm thrilled about, the only problem being, I'd been unhappy in the relationship with the father, so after nearly a year together and despite the pregancy I ended the relationship.

I had my 1st scan on Friday (had to pay private for an early scan - as really wanted peace of mind becuase of my previous experiences). Great news - I have a little blob with a heartbeat :D approx 8wks today.

The father really wants us to give it another go, but I just don't feel the same way about him and can't commit to a relationship in which I'm just not gonna be happy. I feel really sad for him, as I know it'll mean he'll miss so much not being a live-in father, but I'm scared too - about being a single mother, how I'll cope financially and emotionally by myself.

Well that's it really, any advice on surviving pregancy, being single, etc. etc.greatfully received!
Hi Louise, Welcome to the forum and congratulations on the blob. xx
Hi welcome to the forum, and congrats on your pregnancy..

dont have any advice though im afraid, im sure you'll get through the pregnancy just fine on your own.. :hug: :hug: :hug:
welcome to the forum! congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck with everything, i'm sure you'll be just fine :hug: :hug: :wave: :wave:
hiya hun, ul find loads of info here to help you, congratulations!! :wave:

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