Role play game

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lol dw it will be a little confusing until you start playing

its basically a goodies vs baddies game and you have to guess who is who!!

use this thread to ask your questions so you have the jist by tomorrow night!!
I will give you one major piece of advice, DONT take it too seriously and get stressy :rofl: :rofl:
I kinda get the gyst of it. I'm just worried I'll pm someone who's not on my team by mistake!
How do we play? lol

So, the health visitors pick between them which mummy they want gone. How do they get them to go?

Then how to the mummys guess whos a health visitor? Do they guess by the actions of the health visitors trying to kill them off? Surely that would be easy to spot would it not?
what kind of time will it be starting tomorrow? just so i know when to try and get on here :)
All the HV's will know who they are, mummies will not so you'll have to your judgement. You could get allegience with other mummies or they could be those pesky HV's :shock:

Accuse each other awhat you are xnd see how the questioning fairs out. Pm's will go out within the next hour or so so you'll know
I think a few of us have dobbed ourselves in then!! :rofl:
If the mummies incrrectly guess who a health visitor is then the health visitor team get to take a mummy away

You just need to have the highest team number by the end of the week basically by accusing the hell out of eachother and seeing who is a good or bad liar :rofl:
I kinda get the idea, hope i don't mess it up lol! x
I think I understand :-/ lol I really hope I'm a valid member of which ever team lol x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
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