Road Tax Petition


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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A friend of mine has just emailed me this & though i'd share -

Disgrace!!! What will they tax next !! Please take two minutes out of your day to oppose this - just maybe we can stop it ! it may take a couple of goes to load up the page – it took me three goes!

Sign and pass it on. It only takes a minute.

The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it.
The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery driver.
A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in one month. On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will know where you are at all times.
They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect a NIP with your monthly bill.
If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website. <http>

Please pass this on to anyone who owns a car/motorcycle. It affects them.
I got this and forwarded it to to everyone in my contracts list.
And i then got this reply from one of them!

"I care more about the effects of traffic congestion, the environment, the future of our planet - this petition is unfortunately very short-sighted and depressingly self-centred. Freedom is about more than the pound in your pocket"

Nice reply..! :shock:
Hypnorm said:
I got this and forwarded it to to everyone in my contracts list.
And i then got this reply from one of them!

"I care more about the effects of traffic congestion, the environment, the future of our planet - this petition is unfortunately very short-sighted and depressingly self-centred. Freedom is about more than the pound in your pocket"

Nice reply..! :shock:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: What a muppet :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry - not you Hypnorm. But he/she is a little naive (to say the least) to think that us paying additional taxes on our cars will make even a scrap of difference to the environment. Sorry for the cynicism but I think that our efforts over here are utterly futile as long as other major nations merely pay lip service to addressing the problem. I also think this is a revenue-generating exercise disguised as an environmental policy. OMG I am so cynical I need to stop now :rotfl:
littlebump said:
Hypnorm said:
I got this and forwarded it to to everyone in my contracts list.
And i then got this reply from one of them!

"I care more about the effects of traffic congestion, the environment, the future of our planet - this petition is unfortunately very short-sighted and depressingly self-centred. Freedom is about more than the pound in your pocket"

Nice reply..! :shock:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: What a muppet :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry - not you Hypnorm. But he/she is a little naive (to say the least) to think that us paying additional taxes on our cars will make even a scrap of difference to the environment. Sorry for the cynicism but I think that our efforts over here are utterly futile as long as other major nations merely pay lip service to addressing the problem. I also think this is a revenue-generating exercise disguised as an environmental policy. OMG I am so cynical I need to stop now :rotfl:

I hate to play devils advocate......but well sod it im going to :D

This is a badly thought out idea, but I think the principle is sound. We DO need to reduce carbon emmissions and people having to "pay as you go" on the road will have a dramatic impact I think. any new schemes they churn out without thinking them through properly, its not going to effect the well off who can afford to continue driving about town in their 4x4's and causing the most pollution. Its more likely to effect the poor who can only jsut afford to keep a car on the road as it is and especially those who desperatly need transport such as the elderly, young parents etc.

I think if this idea was more thought out - maybe individually asessing people with thier need for transport, what type of cars they drive, how many "pointless" miles they use (ie driving to the corner shop or school thats only a 5 min walk away) then it would be a much fairer system and might actually work.

There doesnt need to be a satelite tracker, I see an unlterior motive behind that, they could easily install a meter of some kind thats checked remotely once a month - constant satelite tracking is just a waste of money that could be spent on better transport systems.

Overall I think its a sound idea and one that is needed, just very badly thought out.

Sorry if that offends anyone, just my opinion :D
I wish people would get of the 4x4 and people carrier debate! i would be far more worried about the amount of lorries dishing out carbon emmision.
Shop locally buy locally, dont use high street shops like tescos then you'll be helping reduce the carbon emmisions.
Some people do actually need 4x4s (with exception of people who live inner city like london) and more and more people are getting people carriers because of the new restraining laws, parents of 3 or more kids are finding it hard to fit kids in to a normal car let alone with booster seats and car seats and still have enough room to breath.

I agree with you on the school run people, i am about a 5 min walk from the local primary and high school yet i see the mums load them in to the car, dissapear and then 3 mins later the mums are back on the drive!
Dont mean to be funny, but the 4x4 debate will continue as long as people buy them needlessly (I didnt mention people carriers because I agree with you on the reasons why families need them and they are not as consuming as 4x4's). If you live near or have ever driven through areas like Surrey for example, you will see so so many 4x4's on the roads carrying just one person. 4x4's, as in off roaders, are more costly to run than normal people carriers so if someone needs one for the room why not buy the more ecological people carrier? How many people do you think actually take off-roaders off-road?

Theres a difference between practicality and downright ignorant greed.
My hubby and his dad have 4x4s and they regularly off road them, we got rid of ours a few months ago, my dad bought it off us as we wanted something a bit more economical fuel wise, and dad needed something to get over a muddy field.
Some of the people carriers are just as fuel guzzeling as 4x4s.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

The problem is, the individuals driving around Surrey alone in their 4x4s are often wealthy enough not to care about a tax on mileage. These cars are not cheap to buy or run. Unfortunately people who drive them out of necessity are the ones who will suffer here. And I really think the positive effect on the environment will be negligible.

I'm not an expert I'm merely stating an opinion but global warming is a global problem and unless the whole world acts (which clearly they are not) then the attempts of a tiny nation such as ours will not make the difference that is needed - all we'd be doing is setting a good example.

Don't get me wrong, I am very environmentally conscious - I recycle everything, I drive economically and car-share wherever possible/practical. The only thing I really fell down on was with regards to disposable nappies as I knew I'd be returning to work and the nursery only deals with disposables - finances prevailed on that one. It was the slightly sanctimonious response to Hypnorm's well-intended e-mail that cracked me up. And my opinion hasn't changed. I don't believe a reduction in fuel emissions is the government's primary goal here. They need revenue but can't raise income tax...........

Anyway I love a healthy debate! Hope I haven't offended anyone

Not offence taken

I saw on the news today that they are saying that recycling is causing global warming due to the melting down of the plastic and only 15% of the plastic sent in is recycled!!

They said putting it in land fill causes no harm because it does not produce any gases.

I Give up! :shock:
Hypnorm said:
Not offence taken

I saw on the news today that they are saying that recycling is causing global warming due to the melting down of the plastic and only 15% of the plastic sent in is recycled!!

They said putting it in land fill causes no harm because it does not produce any gases.

I Give up! :shock:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: you took the words out of my mouth - I Give Up!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hypnorm said:
Not offence taken

I saw on the news today that they are saying that recycling is causing global warming due to the melting down of the plastic and only 15% of the plastic sent in is recycled!!

They said putting it in land fill causes no harm because it does not produce any gases.

I Give up! :shock:

Seriously? Thats laughable!

Sorry if my post yesterday seemed off, ive just read it back and yes, it does seem sanctamonious. In my defence I had a very bad day at work and hormones are raging, so apologies for offending anyone.

I still think its a sound principle just (as usual) very badly planned, but I could have put it a bit better :roll:
Glitzy hun - I didn't mean you were being sanctimonious - I meant the person on Hypnorm's e-mail distribution list!

I just thought you were getting involved in an interesting debate :hug:
littlebump said:
Glitzy hun - I didn't mean you were being sanctimonious - I meant the person on Hypnorm's e-mail distribution list!

I just thought you were getting involved in an interesting debate :hug:

oh ok lol, damn my hormones and my possibly-pregnant-maybe-just-mad brain :roll:

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