Ringing the midwife question...


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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This might sound a bit silly, but I was wondering how you go about contacting your midwife??

Ive had swollen feet for a while now but not too bad and the midwife has said just keep on eye on it, but over the last 2/3 I just havn't been able to get them back down and they're the biggest theyve ever been. Even first thing in the mornings theyre the same as what they are in the evenings!

Ive been drinking alot of water, spending ages with my feet up, rubbing the fluid out of them (or trying to) and leaving them raised when I go to sleep. Ive always had low blood pressure, on average about 110/60, and had no headaches or anything, but I just think maybe it could be worth giving her a ring??

Thing is...shes only in the doctors on tuesday and thursdays, and I dont have a number for her...so, do I ring the hospital? Or ring my surgery and wait for her to ring...Im a bit confused :eh:
Is there nothing in your notes? My MW's number and who to ring/when is in my notes. If not, I would ring your GP and get the number of them.

Hope your poor feet get better soon xxx
I had the most incredible swelling from fluid in my feet, ankles and calves when I was pregnant with Rosie - they didnt do anything as my BP was normal. I can really sympathise with you, I found it really painful.

My midwife is only contactable through the admin part of my surgery, however it might be different for you - I would ring the surgery and ask how to contact her :hug:
See this is what I was thinking, that they'll just say 'well everything else is fine so theres nothing we can do'.

I think its the pressure thats getting to me. If I dont have my feet up I can just feel them swelling :(

Theres nothing in my notes so I think Ill ring the surgery tomorrow and see if the midwife can call me. Then just say, 'oh not long left!' lol.
:hug: if its really worrying you then be persistent with them, good luck, let us know how you go eh? x
Def ring them - just to put your mind at ease of nothing else xxx
If I can't get through to my midwife I phone the anti natal clinic or if you were planning on phoning tonight then phone up the delivery suite at your hospital..they should be able to give you a number for the midwife.

I know what it feels like to have massively swolen feet, I got to the point of wearing slippiers eveywhere and my feet used to feel weird when walking..like water was flapping about?
Did you manage to ring them hun?
I was going to wait until tomorrow, see if it improves over night. I mean, if its anything like the last few nights then it wont go down lol, but I figure because other than being knackered Im ok, theres no rush to ring.

Ive just spent the past hour with my feet in the air and Ive just sat up now and my feet are already tingling and swelling lol. Its deffinatly one of the things I wont miss! My little cocktail sausage toes!

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