

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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How are you and your lil one?
Hope you're recovering well from your bith :)
hello :wave:

we're good thankyou hun! just this week been getting to grips with our routine and Riley getting used to all the new places, smells etc.

as far as i know think i'm all healed down below so that's good! been drinking plenty of water as directed from midwives so my wee doesn't sting anymore as it did earlier this week (thank god, worse than birth, lol!)

how are you? can't believe you're only 2 days away :O bet you're so excited. you should have some curry if you can stomach it, and a shopping trip, that brought on my labour i believe! hehe xxxx
Glad you're all healing down stairs :) Can't imagine peeing would be fun the first little while :lol:

Are you still breast feeding? I'm guessing that's probably the hardest bit of the routine to master? I expressed my milk and bottle fed it to Eva so I'm a little worried about the feeding on demand thing this time.

I'm totally excited :good: Just can't wait to see his ickle face :D
I couldn't do a curry atm as I can only manage kids portions :lol: and it would annoy me i couldn't finish it! So, I've settled for really spicy chilli dip and crisps for later, hot bath, birthing ball, pineapple and then going to walk to the clinic tomorrow and hopefully get my sweep done. I'd love to have a due date baby :)
how long did you express for with Eva? i am breastfeeding indeed and it's deffo the hardest bit of routine to figure out! some days he feeds right on time, every 4 hours a day and he's fine. and then sometimes he'll sleep at night for 6 hours + so that messes up his feeding pattern and then i end up feeding him every 3 hours. so it's settling down but just depends on weather/sleep patterns and figuring out between him wanting comfort sucks or he's hungry sucks!

my milk came in big time this week so i had to invest in a expresser to give me and Riley some leighway (if thats how you spell it :/) as he couldn't even latch on so i expressed some, fed him off the breast then kept the bottle in the fridge and used it next day. so i've kept two bottles in front and if he uses one of the bottles for his feed, after the feed express to make up for tht bottle. if tht makes sense. i keep a diary for all of this stuff as it's so confusing!! but i would deffo recommend breast feeding to anyone, no sterilizing bottles and just feed them when they want.

what have you got for boys names?

those natural remedies for labour sound fine to me, and yummy!! i hope they work for you. i managed a full curry before i gave labour, but i was the same as you, kids portions!

aww i can't wait to see his ickle face too! that the most exciting part!

Riley is just so gorgeous I actually squeeked a lil bit when you posted pictures up :lol:

Eva had my milk for 3 and a half months before my supply just couldn't keep up ( most heart breaking day EVER! I cried everytime I gave her the bottle of formula milk) But I had LOADS of frozen milk stored so the supply actually gave up around 3months. She was prem and unfortunately her sucking reflex wsan't developed enough to establish breast feeding at the start, but at least she got my milk :)
Keeping a diary sounds like a great idea, I'll remember that one, thanks :)

I really hope we can breast feed this time as I'm really looking forward to the closeness (and cause I'm lazy, the no sterilising part lmao)

Name wise, I really like Damon. But I know I'm a pain in the bum and will probably change my mind when I see him so haven't told anyone yet :lol:
I also like Damien and Dominic ( you see a pattern with the D's here?) If you have any left over boys names feel free to volunteer them though :)

Hope you don't mind me asking this but has your tummy shrunk back down a lot? I had a Csec with Eva and my tummy / uterus seemed to take ages to go down, just wondered if it's different with a natural birth...

hey sorry i've taken so long to reply, Riley keeps me very busy, lol! aw thankyou :) he is such a cutie hehe.

well i was in two minds at first about what to do with BFing and expressing, 'cause i didn't know if people actually expressed long term and that's it, but knowing you've done it, even though it was for specific medical reasons, gives me a bit more confidence if it came to a time where i would just have to express for Riley. all is fine now though with my breast feeding and he latches on fine when he's not acting like a mad man! but always there to fall back on :) i would be the same as you and cry as soon as i have to put him on formula or solid foods, i was so emotional thinking he didn't need me when i had to express last week hehe. us women are so hormonal! i don't understand why men don't get hormonal..

i bet you will be able to BF this time round, when Riley came out he wanted a feed straight away so could be same with your ickle one :)

i chose Riley straight away and didn't even have any other names in mind.. but i was thinking of other nice names, and they don't begin with D but here they are.. Tyler, Taylor, Jacob, Jake. i think i must like names that can be surnames too! hehe

course i don't mind you asking! this is what this pregnancy forum is for, to ask the weird icky questions ;) my tummy has gone down a lot and i think that's due to BFing. my belly is still all jelly like but i's gone in so much i nearly look like my old self! shame about the strech marks :cry:

what was it like having a c-sec? weird question! xxxxxxxx
Oh you give me hope in the tummy department :) I don't mind the wobbly (that's what magic underwear is for :lol:)

I'm really glad Riley's Bfing is going well but definately expressing is another option I think. Only thing is, because a bottle is much easier from them to feed you're supposed to limit giving them bottles for the first while I think. That's why Eva kept getting bottles cause my nipples were too much like hard work for her after the ease of a bottlle :lol:

Oh I really like jake... Jake William Hamill... Oh no now I'm all confused again lmao!

Ok C-section. I hated it. Most terrifying experience of my entire life!
I really don't like being out of control at all so the whole numbness from the bobbies down freaked me out and they pumped me full of more diamorphine to keep me calm. But this means that Eva's first minutes in the world are really hazy to me. All i remember is this huge big pair of eyes and getting to give her a kiss.
The actual operation wasn't bad. ALOT of shoving and tugging and prodding but nothing painful. I just hated not being able to sit up and the fact that Eva was whisked off to SCBU and her dad went with her (my orders) so I was on my own whilst they stitched me back up.
Afterwards I was pretty spaced out and just wanted to sleep. It took them 5 hours to get me round to see Eva which I hated, so my ex went and found a wheel chair, lifted me out of bed and basically kidnapped me so I could go round and see her :lol: The midwives were not happy but tough I wanted to see my baby lol. Also my catheter wasn't placed correctly so when I got the feeling back in my legs I was in agony from how badly I needed to pee and told the m/w if she didnt take it out and get me to the toilet I'd do it myself. I swear I peed for 10mins solid!
I didn't find healing particularly bad. Just difficult to straighten up and get out of bed because of the muscles being separated during the op. But nowhere near as bad as I'd heard.

So, yeah :lol: Not a great experience last time and I'm hoping and praying that this time I'll have a lovely birth story to write :) And I've got a sweep in like an hour and a half :D

god that was a bit of an essay :lol:
Sorry for hi-jacking post, I was wondering how your breastfeeding was going Ria after seeing your ticker.. Glad it's going well for you :yay: xxxxxx
wow the c sec doesn't sound like my cup of tea at all really! i suppose no one would prefer a c sec though! i know what you mean about the tugging and prodding as when i was having my epidural fitted, the man couldn't find my vein for ages to put my drip in and i was already in bad pain and he was proper tugging at my hand, it was horrible! THAT hurt more than the epidural itself! as soon as i was numb tho it was fine. when you have a c sec you have a spinal tap thing though don't you? guessing that's a bit stronger! i hated not being able to pee either, the catheater gave me really bad grazes! but i think your story sounds good aswell 'cause you had people around you you could trust to see what went on with Eva and to help you see Eva!

how did your sweep go? i bet you'll have a lovely birth! have you tried any natural remedies like raspberry tea, evening primrose oil thingie? oh and a birthing ball? i would say they helped me! birthing ball deffo helped with contractions..

and febmum2be, breastfeeding is going ok, he latched on quite quickly! but i express bottles sometimes for him at the min because he can get himself into a right panic and wont latch on! because my nipples don't go hard sometimes think he finds it difficult, and when my milk just came in, i have big boobs as it is and they went up about 3 sizes and i had such bad backache! anyway my nipples really filled out too so he couldn't latch on so that's why i ended up getting an expresser. so after i expressed some off he ended up feeding ok and i have used the bottles about 6 times but he's usually ok on my nip. i wont say it was all easy though! it can be a bit draining, emotionally more than anything 'cause i get sad when he can't latch on and think he doesn't need me as much! but that's just me being silly :oops: are you still BFing? and did it go for you? xxxxxxxx

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