Rghhh stupid hospital!! Updated..midwife got it sorted!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
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I was on the phone to the hospital last week to see if there had been an appointment made for me yet for a scan and stuff, as no one has contacted me at all. They told me I was on their list and to phone today and they would tell me the date etc.
Well I phoned them there now to be told I was "still on the list" and would receive an appointment in due course. I then went on to tell them that I had seen nobody yet and explained my circumstances of losing Jayden and how I was a bit concerned. She then said that I would receive an appointment between 12-15 weeks pregnant. Obviously I flipped and explained I couldn't wait up until 15 weeks to have my first scan, she said that might be the case unfortunately.
I explained that my GP told me I would have an appointment at dead on 12 weeks, not too soon, not too late. She said I would have to phone my GP surgery and go to the early pregnancy clinic if I was concerned.
She was nice and all, I'm just completely rageing with the hospital's policy. I mean, I'm not waiting until 15 weeks for my first scan!!
So now I'm waiting until 2pm when my GP surgery opens again after lunch to explain to yet another person about my situation and see if they can get me an early scan :x

I'm not a happy mummy-to-be atm :x
Ridiculas isnt it, I have to wait till I am 14 weeks because they cannot fit me in and I was upset because other women get all support and the best NHS service but its just down to were you live isnt it, Lancashire NHS is shite it annoys me so I am in the same boat hunnyxx
Thats terrible!! I have been so supported by the NHS and cannot fault them. I was being tested for polycycstic overies on the Saturday but found out I was pregnant on the Thursday before and was squeezed in to the EPU on the Friday for a scan. I havent had a period since April so they wanted to be sure everything was ok, Ive had 2 more scans since and numerous blood tests! I went and booked my 12 week scan in myself and was given a choice of dates and times. I think its disgusting how we're treated differently depending on our postcodes! Good luck getting a scan booked babe, I think its terrible how your being treated. xx
I had similar troubles booking in my Nuchal scan. You have to ring up yourself where i am a week after booking appointment to make sure they have time to get your notes, did that and they didn't have them. Called midwife and she said she defo dropped them off so they must have 'lost' them! Had to get my mum to make photocopies (i was on holiday) and midwife dropped them in again.

Finally got through and they said they didn't have an appointment for over 3 weeks by which time was going to be too late for the Nuchal. I know that this is not offered as standard in all hospitals but as it is offered at mine then because they didn't have enough appointments i was a little annoyed. Spoke to the midwife and she said as they were offering the service they should make all attempts to meet it, she gave me the number and name of the sister on the antenatal ward so rang her, she said she'd sort it for me and a couple of days later she had arranged for funding for a new list and extra staff and i got my appointment at 12 weeks. Just shows what can be done when you speak to the right people! Those booking the appointments probably just stick to the rules!

I'd defo recommend taking it further with your GP/midwife!
how awful hun yeah i would def try to speak to someone else :hug: :hug:

i know what im like at the moment fortunately they gave me an early scan right away and its yeah kinda reassured me but im still worrying just explain to them again and again if you have to but i do understand how your feeling i would be going mad if it was me

pm me if you want a chat anytime :hug: :hug:
Yay!!! :cheer:

Well midwife sorted everything out for me. Said it was crazy the way the hospital had treated me.
She phoned them herself and got me an early scan for THIS FRIDAY :eek:

She also said she will sort my dating scan out and will phone me tomorrow with the date. She said she will make sure its for 12 weeks!!!

I'm so excited (and nervous if I'm honest) !!!

Roll on Friday! :D

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