Returning to Work :-(


Nov 19, 2008
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Hi Lovely Mummies

Well unfortunately I'm returning to work in Jan 09 :(
I'd love Grace to stay fully on my milk but I don't think it's gonna be possible as I can't seem to express much at all when I try :oops:
I thought that maybe I could feed her myself at night and for breakfast before I go to work? I'm only going in to the office twice a week to begin with. My question really is whether I could continue to feed her all day myself while I'm not working and then do the morning and night feeds when I have to work.

Do you think this could work? Does anyone do this at the moment or know of anyone that does. I really don't want her fully on formula if I can help it but unless the Lottery comes in I've gotta work!! :wall:

Thanks for any advice

How old will your LO be when you return to work?

Lola was 10 months old when i went back to work 3 days a week. I was really worried as she still seemed to be feeding quite a lot from me but she was fine. I just feed her before i left for work (8am) and as soon as i got back home (5.20pm).

I did come home on my lunch as well for the first couple of weeks to give her a quick feed but this was more for me than her as my boobs hurt a bit because they wasn'y used to going so long between feeds. I never left expressed milk cause i strugled to get enough out but she was fine without and just drank/eat more :)
She'll only be 14 weeks :cry:

The 'deal' I was given by my ever so understanding boss (not) was that I'd return in January, wish I could have had longer off but we couldn't survive on the £117 per week

I am really keen to feed her all the time I'm not working and do the night and early morning feeds when I am at work. I'm worried it's gonna bugger my supply up or not be possible for some reason. My HV didn't seem to have much of an idea either, so would love some personal experiences if there are any.

Thank you :)

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