Retained placenta


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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I had 2 natural deliveries with Rachel and Craig in 2001 and 2003.

Then I had an 18 wk miscarriage in May 2008 and, as a result, was induced and delivered the baby naturally. However, I had a retained placenta, resulting in manual removal under anasthetic. Grieving for my daughter at the time, I didn't ask much and wasn't particularly interested in why it happened but now I'm nearly a Mum again, it's on my mind.

I assume the reason was that the placenta is designed to stay put for 40 weeks and in my case was "encouraged" out after 18.

Just wondering if anyone has had a retained placenta and went on to have it delivered normally?

Or if anyone has been given a reason for it happening?

Any experience would be of interest.

Many thanks,

Julie xxxx

Emma Mary 18wk miscarriage 02.05.08 Always missed
Ive had 2 retained placentas and had to have manual evacuation of both, the 2nd they tried to ease it out with a jasmin compress (supposed to be very helpful apparently and smelt lush!!) but it didnt come for me :( I was told its just one of those things retaining and its pot luck if you do although one retained may mean more in the future.

I can understand you wanting to know more and it sounds a good hypothesis about why you retained yours, Maybe ask your MW to explain it better?
Ditto asking about why they think it might have happened. In my case it was the fact the cord snapped - apparently it came out quite easily when they went to remove it (under GA). So next time instead of having a medically managed 3rd stage (injection) I'd let things happen in their own time without intervention unless of course there was bleeding etc.


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