Remote controls


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Seren has developed a love for remote controls. She will sit there with all her toys and have a tantrum until you give her the remote.Mobile phones are a close second but remotes are her fave.

Does anyone else's baby have a fascination for grown up things?
Dior has always loved remotes mobiles xbox remote control lol

she uses the remote as a phone and sits there saying "hiya hiya
Brody goes after ANYTHING that he's not supposed to have, remotes, shoes, wires, Mason's toys. It absolutley drives me mad he won't play with his toys at all!
Magazines!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: Mummy can't have anything for herself! :lol: (And she loves remotes and her nappy wraps aswell, whenever I turn my back when changing her nappy she manages to grab it!)
Yip.... Oscar loves remote controls, mobile, electric gate clicker & keys.... all of which goes straight to his mouth.... dribbles everywhere!!!
He also loves ripping up magazines and doing a taste test on them..... hhhhhmmmmmm..... the boys' a nutter!!!

Emilia xx
Magazines too, she smiles at the pictures then tries to chew them up. If I am feeding her and am reading a magazine or a book she is constantly trying to get it.

Dionne, Dior makes me laugh, how cute is she. My sister phoned up yesterday and wanted to speak to Sseren so I put the phone by her ear. She kept looking behind her, trying to find her aunty.
god someone help me Brayds is crying now coz he wants my remote ahhhhh h

he also likes fones
and wires MEN
Phoebe is exactly the same Beanie.
I actually went out and brought her a remote control of her own but she knows the difference between the TV one and her one that doesn't change any channels!!
Clever little thing :lol:
My LO likes to grab my dog Candy...If not she tries and kicks her...ASBO by the age of 2 me thinks! :shock:
Dior loves the baby wipes likes to pull them all out grrrrr and her nappy sacks and all the nappys then i have to sit there sorting out Harleys size 3 and Diors size 5 nappies lol

and she is a proper lil lady she loves to stand in the mirrow with my blusher brush she pretends to staighten her hair but her fav thing is trying to walk in my size 7 :oops: shoes

beanie.. Dior crys if she hears her dad on the phone she gets real upset and pointing down it, i think she thinks her daddys stuck in there :rotfl:
Yeah Aimee has gone mad for remote controls and the house phone. She managed to ring someone the other day! :? She loves bags, paper, nappies and anything else thats left around. She keeps going missing too! I'll go to make her dinner and she'll be up the side of the sofa trying to pull the wires of the wall. She loves scratching things too, she must like the noise.
Whatever toys are hanging about, Rubie will ignore them and try to eat a packet of wet wipes. I don't know how she always manages to find them (she can't actually move very far!!) or why she is so attrated to them but every time I look round she is trying to suck a packet of wipes!! :roll: :lol:
Reece has always loved turning the TV over with the remotes which was fine cos we would just take it off him when something good was on.

NOW he's learnt how to switch it off by the main button so we've no chance of watching anything lol :doh: Corrie is on off on off on off.....
Yep he adores remotes and mobiles! Like other people I also gave him his own mobile and remote and he didn't want them, he wants the one we use haha. Proper monkey! :lol:
Not yet but I'm hoping that we'll be able to by-pass that one. My friend's son was a button freak when he was crawling. He got into the office and pressed the ON/OFF button on the PC so many times that he completely fried the hard drive and my friend had to get a new computer.

I intend to say what my SIL says when her toddler demands her mobile to play with. "My phone is a toy for me, not for you!" *LOL*


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