registering a baby with the fathers surname if hes not there


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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is it possible to register the baby with the fathers surname, if he isnt there. I dont want my baby to have my surname. Id rather it had the on off fathers name.

is this possible??
Yer I think so, almost sure of it but for him to be on the certificate I think he has to be there!
the farther has to be there or you can not put his name on the birth certificate if you r not married i know because i went on my own and had to fetch oh from work
i dotn mean about putting him down as the father, does the baby have to be registered with my surname or can i alternatively can i give the baby someone elses surname
you can give baby oh sir name but he does have to be with u
mary70 said:
the farther has to be there or you can not put his name on the birth certificate if you r not married i know because i went on my own and had to fetch oh from work

Thats true. If you arnt married then ur OH has to be there.

If your not with the babys father and want him on the babys certificate, he has to go with you. But BEWARE this means that when your babys father is on that certificate he then holds all the rights that you do.
Can anyone advise - I am married but seperated from my husband - does he have to be with me to register or can I go myself. Also does my baby have to have his surname or can he have my maiden name ?

if there is a reason he cant go as long as u tell the certificate people early enough they will give u a form for him to fill in, i was told bout it wen i rang em up to do B's
Be careful tho as if the father does go on the BC he has the same rights as u, and if he is nething like my ex ull regret it later think about it hard hun
hehe looks like bayley is the only one out of my 3 who is gonna have their dads on their birth certificate and he is registered as Bayley Kai Ayton not Bayley Kai Morgan :evil: i shud have had it as morgan all along
luv braiana x
yes i have but i dont know where to do it or anything :? im tryin to find out tho lol
luv b x
You can call you baby whatever you please. 'toast head' if you really want lol. Thats weather the father is there or not.

But you cant put the father on the birth certificate if your not married or he is not with you at the time.

I know this as my mum recently told me thats the reason my father isnt on my birth cert
The way the law stands is that a father cannot be put on the birth certificate unless he is present (This is to prevent say a woman putting "Brad Pitt" :lol: ) If he isnt present then I dont think you can put the childs surname as the fathers. When DD was born she took her dads surname as he went with me.

If youre married then the father is automatically assumed to be your husband but I dont know if he has to be present or not.

The law changed around 1997 ish so that now if a father is named on the cert he gets automatic parental responsibility, this is automatic if you are married.

I'll be changing my surname by deed poll before little un arrives to my partners as I dont want my ex husbands surname anywhere near this babys birth cert.

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