regarding my MMC


Active Member
Feb 23, 2014
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im new to this forum and just after some words of advice on wednesday i had surgery to remove a MMC my partner has been very supportive . but all i do is cry and have an empty feeling. i have 2 healthy children but this has hit me hard...
will i always worry the next pregnancy will end the same way???xxx
Sorry that you're going through this. I can't say the pain will ever go away but it will get easier. There's nothing to say you can't get pregnant and have a successful birth again but at the moment it won't feel like it because you're greiving.

You might find it takes quite a while to stop feeling like this, all you can do now is focus on positive things in your life when you can and take each day as it comes. It will get better in time.
A MMC is very traumatic - you are excited to go for a scan and then you get the devastating news that there is no heartbeat. I had a MMC in March 2012 and it took another year to conceive again - throughout this pregnancy I was anxious that it would happen again; everything went well and my son is now 10 weeks old. I just tell myself that the first pregnancy wasn't meant to be but I won't forget it. Miscarriage is heart breaking so don't feel guilty about being upset. xx
As my first pregnancy was a MMC, sadly I've never whole heartedly enjoyed a first trimester of pregnancy , and certainly after 4mc, the 5th pregnancy was a bit of an emotional roller coaster (which ended well!). I had hypnobirthing sessions from the early 3rd trimester and found the fear release session massively helpful and wished I'd done something like that early on, as after this I settled down and did at least enjoy things a bit more.

MC is definitely the end of pregnancy naivety, its the real kicker that there is no coming back from sadly.
flisstesbbs your last sentence sums up everything that i have been struggling to say for the last couple of days...for me i feel fairly positive that one day i will get our deeply wished for baby...but having suffered a mmc last week...i feel like all the joy has been kicked out of it....there will be no more excitment when i get the positive test...and i dont think i willbe able to relax for those 8weeks (assuming I get a bfp at 4 weeks) and who knows when i will ovulate again so basically i have minimum 12 weeks of misery (and thats assuming i will concieve and ovulate straight away, which i realise is unlikely)

This time last week I was sooo excited and i realise i have sooo much muddy water to wade through before I can begin to feel like that again.

I do realise the odds are with me and that sooo many people are in worse situations than me....I just keep slippping into moments of self envolvment! Thanks for pin pointing for me what i have been feeling.
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I just wanted to add my sympathies for your loss. Everything the other ladies have said is completely true. A mc does put added anxiety into every future tic cycle and pregnancy. We just have to try to manage that anxiety as best we can and hope for the best.
thanks all for your replys.. its only 6 days since i had the MMC removed in hospital and im feeling ok bleeding almost gone and tested negative today still emotional but taking each day as it comes xx
I don't have anything else that others haven't said. Welcome to the forum although I'm sorry you've found it during such a heartbreaking time. I hope you find it supportive as I do. xx

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