Redundancy coinciding with maternity leave!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Please help, does anyone know where I stand?
I'm due 19th of June, work are talking about redundancys & they will announce them beginning of April, I'll then have to work a months notice if it's me during which time they will try to redeploy me (along with 100s of others into just a few jobs!) which will take me to beginning of May, coincidentally just when I was hoping to start mat leave :( what will happen to me? Can they make me redundant if I'm pregnant or will they still have to pay me redundancy? I'm so stressed :( x
have you told them you're pregnany yet?

get a meeting with HR asap, whee do you work out of interest?
Yes they know, I can't meet with HR although I don't work in HR my boss oversees both us & HR :( I work in the public sector that's all I can say x
I work at an FE college hun and we're going through similar. My manager told me to get all the maternity forms in as quick as I could to safeguard me for if/when they announce redundancies. As shit as it is on your colleagues (apparently) you are almost untouchable if you are pregnant/going on mat leave when they are bringing redundancies in.

I have joined the union today though just incase because the senior team are telling some right porkies at the moment so i don't trust any of them.
I've just gone through the same thing, public sector, I found out that I was in scope for redundancy in August, but I wouldn't find out until 22nd November!! I started my maternity leave 25th October not knowing if I had a job to go back too.

Thankfully when on maternity leave there is such a thing as regulation 10 of the maternity & parental leave regulations 1999, it is required to make you a suitable offer.

Tbh making someone redundant who is pregnant or maternity leave is a tribunal waiting to happen.

Get in the union as GMB have been brilliant for me and it's only 5p a week once on leave.

Good luck x
Will I still get maternity pay though? If they make me redundant in April? I'll be over 26 weeks by then?x
What are the maternity forms? I've bin signed off sick for 2 wks with preg related illness & they did a pregnancy health &!safety assessment with me when I got bk so I have proof they know I'm preg? Not sure if that helps?x
if you get made redundant whilst on maternity leave they still have to pay it (6 weeks at 90% and 33 at stat) not sure how it would work if you're still working.

Good luck
If I start my mat leave in march ( which I can but don't really want to as I'll have to go. Bk earlier) I'll b on mat leave.I originally didn't intend to go until may but they announce redundancies in April so if I hang on & they make me redundant in April will they have to pay mat leave then?so sorry for all the question but am so stressed if I don't get mat pay we won't even have a roof over our heads by the time the baby arrives :( x
If I start my mat leave in march ( which I can but don't really want to as I'll have to go. Bk earlier) I'll b on mat leave.I originally didn't intend to go until may but they announce redundancies in April so if I hang on & they make me redundant in April will they have to pay mat leave then?so sorry for all the question but am so stressed if I don't get mat pay we won't even have a roof over our heads by the time the baby arrives :( x

If it's anything like my employer they were meant to announce redundancies in October but they did it two weeks ago. If you are sick in the last month of your pregnancy it automatically starts your maternity leave, so you could continue as planned and take a sicky at the hint of trouble. That is what I was going to do but it worked out ok for me, I worked up to 39 weeks.

Join a union, they have helped me so much :) unison is the one for public sector

This stressed me out as well, I was 27 weeks when they said ther would be a restructure, I was on a fixed term contract as well so I was bricking it :( but it's worked out ok and I hope it does for you too xx
Thanks guys, my babys not due until June though so I won't have even started mat leave & won't b able to start the 4 wk sickness rule as redindancys are announced start of April :( I'm in bits :( our notice period is 4 weeks we've been told & I'll get 2 wks payoff as only bin here 2 years. I got made redundant from
my last job too :( x

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