Red/Rash Boob


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Just wondering if anyone during pregancy as had red/slight rash over the bottom of their boobs? My left boob is very red at the bottom and working its way slighty down my tummy, it is also slighly rashy, i thought maybe it was a new bra i was wearing however have changed bra's still there, and even when i take it off still there? Isnt sore or itchy...i am going to go doctors this week for something else just seem full of problems at the moment!
Cant reallyy help as i havent had a rash on my boobs but didnt want to read and run! hope it all goes well at doctors for you :)

I also looked in the mirror this morning and noticed that I had a red rashy looking mark on my right boob between the bottom and middle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully its a pregnancy thing? I'm also interested to hear other people's thoughts?
i get this when i first start breastfeeding. ive had it each time.
i used hydrocortisone cream on it and it cleared up.

apparantly its a type of fungal infection. i find i still get it if i get hot and sweaty (nice).

i was told its cause by some sort of spore that normal washing doesnt kill. so you need to put all your bra's through on a hot wash.

if you dont have that cream pop sudocream on it till you can get some.
I have it as well and its itchy as hell and red and dry! I get it when im not pregnant as well and its cause we sweat there... nice eh! I just just Sodocream (sp) on it and it normally takes it away...

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