Red marks on eyelids?


Jun 10, 2007
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Our little baby joshua was born last friday and we are totally overjoyed! When he was born we noticed what can best be described as red marks on his eyelids. They look a little like birth marks and are not raised in any way but cover about half of the lids with more on one of the eyelids. From what i've read these are due to trauma when he was passing through the birth canal and they are harmless and should fade in a couple of days. However it has been over a week and they are still there and quite prominent.

The midwife had a look at him and said they are fine, however his eyes are very sticky and watery. Is this normal? On monday he has a swab just to make sure that he's ok but i'm still a little worried! Has anyone else had a baby with these red marks? Are they harmless? Do they eventually go? Could it be anything sinister?

Thanks for any advice!
My 1st baby had like what you describe on both eye lids after she was born and I was told they would go in a couple of weeks. They did go eventually but not till she was about 6 months old.
My baby also has these and she was born by c section. The Doctor told me they were just birth marks from where she had been pressing against me before being born. She also has a red mark on her forhead, she is now 6 weeks old and they are beginning to fade slightly. My babay also had very sticky eyes for about 2 weeks after being born but I dont think this was related in any way. I wouldnt worry and just wait and see if they start to fade.
My little man had these too, but it took longer then 2 dasy to fade, dont worry about them they will go away.
And he also had sticky eye, but had it a long time and took weeks to go, I had the cotton wool out and warm water out permanantly.It it gets nasty though take him to the docs as it might turn into conjunctivitus.
Thanks for the replies - I feel a bit better about it now!
Dan has the same red marks along with a large red mark running through the center of his eyebrows and a few on the back of his neck. I have been reassured by Hv's, Mw's and a paediatrician that it is a stork mark and will disappear within a year. He still has the marks now but they are very very light. He also had sticky eyes until he was about 4 months when it just suddenly cleared up.

could it be a stork mark?

Stork bite mark (Salmon patch, Telangiectatic naevus)
These are pink, flat, irregular shaped marks on the back of the neck and/or on the eyelids, forehead and occasionally on the top lip. The skin is not thickened, and you cannot feel any difference when you touch the mark.
Nearly half of all babies have these.
They are do not cause any problems and usually disappear by 12 months, or earlier.
The mark at the back of the neck may stay for longer, but it is usually covered by hair and out of sight.
Jack has them on both eyes but they are gradually fading, they get worse when he gets upset. HV said it can take quite a long time for them to go.

He also has a quite a large mark at the top of his neck, although it is mostly hidden by his hair!

I would just gently wash LO eyes each day with a little cotton wool (a different piece for each eye), preferably cooled boiled water.
emma had them 2 on both eyelids but they disapeared after a few months :D
Libby had them, and they have only just 12 weeks not 2 days :D As advised before just clean the eyes with cooled boiled water.

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