Recommend a pick-me-up!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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I've been rushed off my feet at work today, and this evening we're going straight to my step-sister's for an xmas get together as our parents go away for a week tomorrow (lucky beggars!).

Being preggers, I'm the designated driver, so I need to be nice and alert all evening for the drive home. Problem is, I'm knackered already! Normally I'd have a strong coffee or a red bull to pep me up and keep me going, but these are both no-nos - I know a bit of caffeine doesn't hurt, but coffee makes me :puke: nowadays, and the thought of a red bull has the same effect :?

Any ideas for a pg friendly energy boost??? Anyone??? Please!!!!! :lol:
Bananas are a good energy boost..........!!

Failing that some chocolate, or sweets - a good sugar fix should do the trick!!
When I have a long car journey ahead, I always make sure I have:

1) a REALLY cold bottle of water
2) some nibbly sweets (Haribo or something like that - nothing that needs unwrapping)

This works in several ways:
- the cold water wakes you up
- the sugar gives you a boost
- it's hard to fall asleep when you are chewing!
I would agree with sugar - maybe boiled sweets if you have someone to do the unwrapping. Water is a great idea and bananas are great for a quick energy boost hence why my gym-freak work colleagues eat them so much.
Thanks for your suggestions ladies!

I don't like sweets, sadly, which ruled those out, but I had some ice cold water and some v minty chewing gum, which did the trick nicely.

Thanks again :hug:

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