Really worried


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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at 6am this morning i woke up to find i was bleeding quite a lot of bright red blood, after waiting an hour before making any decisions as to what to do me and OH made our way to A&E. When we got there I was examined by a doctor who said my Cervix was closed and although she could still see some more blood to come out she did say it was turning brown and hopefully everything will be okay.

I was then sent up to EPAC for a scan to make sure baby was ok and the Sonographer said that the Placenta had started to "lift" and said it was a slight hemerihdge (spelt wrong)

The Sonographer could not give me any straight answeres as to what she could see happening and when me and OH went back upstairs to the EPAC department with my scan results the lady was quite blunt and said not to worry, NOT TO WORRY!? im absolutly petrified! she just said that the Placenta was twice the size of the baby and it would still satisfy the baby's needs. She told me to sit tight and wait and see as there is nothing that can be done.

I understand that if something bad is going to happen it will and there isnt a lot I can do about it but I was just woundering if anyone else has been in the same boat as me? and maybe explain things a little better about the platcenta "lifting" as everyone in the hospital just manages to wriggle out of giving an answer and i dont understand whats going on.

On top of all that the hospital just informed me that when the Midwife came round to take my bloods well over a month ago, she diddnt label my D.O.B on the test tubes and was therfore rejected for testing. Aparently one of the tests rejected is the one that tells me mine and babys blood group to prevent blood groups attacking each other?

Sorry for going on, i just feel so upset right now.

Tiggy x
I'm sorry to hear about your bad experiance day today. But i am sure nothing is wrong, I've had 3 bleeds during this pregnancy, all 3 i panicked like mad. Don't worry hun im sure everything will be fine, the blood they rejected was proabably for your rhresus blood type, as some people aswel as me have rhresus negative blood type wich could harm the baby if not noticed for a long period of time, But get on the phone to your midwife find out when she's going to take more bloods. where as if your still worried hun then make another appointment at the EPU! :hug: :hug:
Awww hun, I'm really sorry you've had such a scare and I know it's easy to say but please try to relax and take it easy. Your cervix being closed and it turning to brown blood is a good sign :hug:
As for the hospital, I'm sorry they treated you that way. I also had a bad bleed last saturday and they were so horrible my OH went for the consultant and is now making an official complaint about him. It's almost like they think we're wasting their time isn't it! :evil: At least your scan showed your baby is ok :)
I don't know anything about the placenta lifting, but please rest up
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxx
i don't know a lot :( but my friend bleed a few times through her preg and was fine. :)

Rest up and try not to worry (easy to say i know!!) :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys,

Ive also heard that some woman bleed through their whole pregnancy and i think I may be one as well. I had a few early pregnancy scans due to bleeding early on between 6 weeks & 9 weeks.

Difference was...when i had the early scans i was just told its one of those things and the lady said most of the time the baby will be ok and bleeding just sometimes happenes, however this time round ive been told that the placenta has started "lifting" which makes the whole thing worse because now im sitting here woundering how the hell i can stop it "lifting".

I know there is nothing i can do but in a strange way i find it easier to carry on not knowing what the problem is, than being told its the placenta and then no-one giving me any answers, does that make sence?

I have had some good news though, EPAC called me to let me know my blood group is positve and im not rehsus negative (spelt that wrong i know) so thats good.

When i did have the scan this morning, our baby was bouncing around so happy & content, waving then sucking its thumb, was amazing. Im just so scared that things could go wrong.

I thought by getting past the 12 week "safe" side that all would be flying colours from here but i guess not. All i know is that surly my body would not allow me to get this far just to take our baby away from us. Im holding on to that thought and hope everything will be okay.

Tiggy xx
You'll find at your scans, it will say on the report form the position of your placenta..........either high or low, maybe then you orignal had a low laying placenta and your body is repositioning it to a high position?

hope you are ok xxxx
Hi Josephine-Beth,

Ive just had a look at all my scan reports and every single one of them has:-

Placenta Localisation:-

written on the reports, however no-one has circled which one i have been in the past except for the scan I had today and the sonographer has circled Posterior. Ummmmm i know this sounds daft but that is ok right?

Its a shame my previous reports have not circled what ive been previously as like you say it may been where its moving but i suppose there is no way of telling now.

Tiggy xx
So sorry to hear about your worries- can be any help as I am struggling to understand what my Spanish doc says.
You must try to relax, easier said than done but focus on the fact that you saw the baby wonderfully happy on the scan. If you can't settle then you must phone the hosp or go back and get some answers to your questions- it's what they're there for. As more stress for you and your bump is the last thing you need :hug:
I hope things get better and you get the reassureance you need soon. Im sure everything will be fine hun, get plenty of rest and let OH take care of you! :hug: :hug:
Oh dear Tiggy... you must be terrified.... It sounds exactly like what I had...
I've got placenta previa.. Its where the placenta is usually either covering the cervix or is coming away from the wall of the uterus. In my case its very low down. Originally at week 14 it was covering my cervix a grade 5, but in my scan at 19 weeks they saw that it had moved up and was now on the edge of my cervix, I'm hoping my next scan will show its moved away completely. I still have to take it easy though, and not lift anything or walk too far. Like you they also said my placenta was very large.

My consultant said that its a bit like a plaster on a woolen surface and the more movement you make the more likely it is to come away. I had bleeding right up to my 15th week... and had bled on and off all the way up till then. Then it stopped and fingers crossed it hasn't started again.

The only thing you can do, is not move, stay completely in bed only going to the toilet and pray. :pray: That means getting someone to help you out if that is possible. I know it's hard, my 8 year old was on school holidays, and she's been an only child for so long, she all of a sudden had to learn to do lots of things for herself.

If you have complete bed rest the placenta is more likely to reattach itself. You also need to ask the doctor if your placenta is low too... In which case you will be treated as a high risk pregnancy. If it doesn't move then you will probably have to have a c section, for safety sake, but its not the end of the world.

I really hope that you get better soon, just try and stay calm (I know you just want to blub all the time, because I convince yourself that you are loosing the baby), but remember that for now, everything is fine, you just need to be very very careful. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck tiggy, take it easy and stay positive :hug:

at 6am this morning i woke up to find i was bleeding quite a lot of bright red blood, after waiting an hour before making any decisions as to what to do me and OH made our way to A&E. When we got there I was examined by a doctor who said my Cervix was closed and although she could still see some more blood to come out she did say it was turning brown and hopefully everything will be okay.

I was then sent up to EPAC for a scan to make sure baby was ok and the Sonographer said that the Placenta had started to "lift" and said it was a slight hemerihdge (spelt wrong)

The Sonographer could not give me any straight answeres as to what she could see happening and when me and OH went back upstairs to the EPAC department with my scan results the lady was quite blunt and said not to worry, NOT TO WORRY!? im absolutly petrified! she just said that the Placenta was twice the size of the baby and it would still satisfy the baby's needs. She told me to sit tight and wait and see as there is nothing that can be done.

I understand that if something bad is going to happen it will and there isnt a lot I can do about it but I was just woundering if anyone else has been in the same boat as me? and maybe explain things a little better about the platcenta "lifting" as everyone in the hospital just manages to wriggle out of giving an answer and i dont understand whats going on.

On top of all that the hospital just informed me that when the Midwife came round to take my bloods well over a month ago, she diddnt label my D.O.B on the test tubes and was therfore rejected for testing. Aparently one of the tests rejected is the one that tells me mine and babys blood group to prevent blood groups attacking each other?

Sorry for going on, i just feel so upset right now.

Tiggy x
I'm sorry to hear about your bad experiance day today. But i am sure nothing is wrong, I've had 3 bleeds during this pregnancy, all 3 i panicked like mad. Don't worry hun im sure everything will be fine, the blood they rejected was proabably for your rhresus blood type, as some people aswel as me have rhresus negative blood type wich could harm the baby if not noticed for a long period of time, But get on the phone to your midwife find out when she's going to take more bloods. where as if your still worried hun then make another appointment at the EPU! :hug: :hug:
Awww hun, I'm really sorry you've had such a scare and I know it's easy to say but please try to relax and take it easy. Your cervix being closed and it turning to brown blood is a good sign :hug:
As for the hospital, I'm sorry they treated you that way. I also had a bad bleed last saturday and they were so horrible my OH went for the consultant and is now making an official complaint about him. It's almost like they think we're wasting their time isn't it! :evil: At least your scan showed your baby is ok :)
I don't know anything about the placenta lifting, but please rest up
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxx
i don't know a lot :( but my friend bleed a few times through her preg and was fine. :)

Rest up and try not to worry (easy to say i know!!) :hug: :hug:

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