Really TMI


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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Sorry for this very TMI issue, I got soo worried last night couldn't even complain to DH as I was too emabaressed!
for the last couple of weeks I had sever constipation and still have.
After doing a bit of research about glycerin supposetories during pregnancy it seemed safe and so I have been using it every 3 days!
Last 2 times, one suppo didn't work so I used 2 and it does say I can use 2, but yesterday I used 2 and nothing happened! after 2 hours I've been to the toilet and after trying to empty my bowls sorry for this (white liquid came out!!!) which was really watery! but no stool!!! I got soo scared and not sure what I am suffering from.
What came into my mind is I might have internal piles!! not sure how they feel but as I know piles make it difficult for normal excertion, thus it might not have helped the suppo to reach my bowls?!
Sorry again but plz I need ur opinions and help :cry:
I have no idea hun but those suppositries are not meant to be used that regularly I am sure of it. I used to work in a nursing home with some people with absolutely chronic constripation and they only had something like that once per week!

Think you ought to go and chat to your doctor about it really :hug:
I dont know either hun but think you should go see doc too :hug: :hug:
Have found this - confirms my concern that you shouldn't keep using these things on a regular basis:

Lubricating Agents (e.g. Glycerin Suppositories, Liquid Paraffin)
This type of laxative works by lining the bowel with a lubricant so that the passing of a motion is eased. Glycerin Suppositories are by far the fastest working laxatives but are not particularly popular due to the route of administration. Liquid Paraffin works in the same way as glycerin suppositories but is taken by mouth, this would seem ideal but it does have problems of its own. As with stimulant laxative the bowel can become over reliant on this medicine

This is the link to the site - it has some useful info about the different types of laxatives.
Sounds to me like you passed the suppostiories back out again and that's what the white liquid was.
It's definitely worth seeing your GP though. Doesn't sound like internal piles...I think you'd be seeing blood.
You can also take lactalose when pregnant.
Thanx all,
babyblonde thanx for caring so much to research about it. I know it's not supposed to be taken that often but I can't stand the feeling of constipation. :( I'm afraid I did damage my bowls.
I will speak to my Dr but I am not so happy with what Dr usually recommend. (eat fibre rich food) well im pregnant and don't feel like it LOL!

Lactulose seems to be my only option as Lucybee suggested but I hate it's side effect of bloating and gases :oops:
Awww you're welcome hun - gotta look out for my girls :wink:

I think it's only really prolonged use of these things that causes problems - and then it's more a case of the bowel forgetting how to work without the stimulation of the laxative, rather than damage as such.

Sure you will be fine honey :hug:
awww hun im so sorry your still like this :hug:

I remember having it quite bad with Oli for a little while, it must be horrid.

I agree with everyone else you need to speak to your doc again and let him know how much this is effecting you and depressing you, they have to help you hun :hug:
i used to suffer really bad with constipation a few years ago, still do on occasions. and i experienced the same thing u did about the white liquid, as far as i can remember its nothing to be worried about i think its where ur bowel is lubricated to help pass the stools and when u strain/ constipated u can pass some of that mucus cuz ur body produces more of it....something like that!!!

id go and see ur GP and get something like lactulose to soften ur stool, rather than supositries cuz that may hurt when something decides to budge!!

hope u get it sorted out, i know how uncomfortable it can be :hug:

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