Really silly question


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Sorry about this silly question (you know what I'm like by now with worrying and over-reacting haha) when I bath Angel she's in the bath seat and I'm always pouring the water over her so she doesn't get cold, including over her head and on her face - which she likes. But today as I poured it over she decided to open her mouth really wide and she choked and swallowed on some of the water :( I use bubble bath, you don't think this will do any harm to her do u? She can't have swallowed a lot of and surely they make these things quite safe as babies and toddlers probably do this all the time?!
hey there
I used to worry too but now Owen's 18 months:shock::shock: I have to let him get on with so much!! He drinks loads of bath water:shock: we tell him to stop all the time but he actually proper drinks it lol!! sure your little lady will be fine but it is a worry! he has stuff in too like bubble bath type stuff x
Aw bless thanks for that hun. I'm such a worrier I annoy myself sometimes. She's teething at the moment and she opened her mouth to munch on her hand and the water went in and it shocked her bless her. She seems fine now :) xx
she'll be fine, both my LO's have done that a few times. These baby things are designed to not be as harsh on their stomachs, should that happen. I was putting baby lotion on LO's face the other day, I had a big dollop of it on my finger, LO turned his head at such a fast rate & stuck the finger in his mouth loool poor wee soul. dont think he liked the taste much!!

Oh and - you dont need to constantly put water over their heads in bath (dont mean to sound like a know it all, just thought i'd say!!)

Yeah I thought that too, I need to stop stressing lol. Btw hun I dont pour it over her head all the time just her body as she gets a bit chilly and she likes it :) xx
Lol sorry I just realised the way I worded it sounds like I pour it over her face/head constantly haha I just meant I include pouring it over her face but not all the time, just mainly to wash the shampoo out :p xx
The exact same thing happened to us today. I just thought "oops" lol x
Sophie has done it a couple of times lol she's so talkative in the bath and is always trying to laugh or coo while I'm bathing here which often means a bit of water goes in
Lol sorry I just realised the way I worded it sounds like I pour it over her face/head constantly haha I just meant I include pouring it over her face but not all the time, just mainly to wash the shampoo out :p xx

loooooool dont worry I know what you mean. Kayden likes it too, I lie him down & he deliberately opens his mouth & turns to the side to get the water in his mouth then looks at me as if I did it looool

love bath time.


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