Really Scared about Birth! :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Feeling soooo sorry for myself, i'm so so nervous, about everything. Giving birth, what life will be like with a baby again. ect ect.

Making myself sick & getting panic attacks thinking about it.

I'm really excited at the same time, to meet my baby, but cant shake the dread of what i need to go through before I meet him/her.

Hey Hun

This is my first, so I really don't know what to expect!

Just wanted to let you know I'm here and awake if u need a chit chat .

So sorry your feeling like this, it's
Completely naturally to have anxieties and worries xx

You must be a nightowl like me Marley!!

I'm up at 7 for the school run but just cannot bring myself to go to bed, I think too much.

There's so many positive threads in Tri 3 of ppl looking forward to births, wishing them on, I just cant bring myself to be the same, I wanna avoid it for as long as poss. Is that terrible?

That's not terrible, I've been the same except for this week I've been weirdly calm, not really thinking about it too much though...why don't you get a hypnobirthing cd? it's meant to calm you and prepare you for labour, I was quite skeptical at first but lots of people have said it's good, I've bought one from amazon for a tenner going to use it today for the first time :) xx
Sorry to hear you're feeling so scared about it. Can't say I'm exactly looking forward to it myself... But I'm sure you'll be just fine, and you'll be ready for it when the time comes! In the meantime, try and enjoy your last few days or weeks of pregnancy - not necessarily a bad thing to not be wishing time away!
i feel the same!! im scared out my mind, scared even that something is going to happen to me??!!?!?!? loli feel like walking outside the hospital, insulting someone random so they knock me out then by the time im back around ive had baby :) xxxx
Thanks so much ladies

I'm feeling slightly better today.

Had a bad experience with my 1st with the birth, her heart stopped beating & we thought we were going to lose her, so part of me is thinking - right now I know this baby is ok coz I can feel it moving.

I am also scared of something happening to me, & i'm terrified that i'm not able to look after my wee girl or something.

This week has been more scary - booked a sweep with MW, next time I see her i'll be 2 days til due date & she'll be trying to encourage the birth - plus i just finished work plus I only have 2 weeks left.

I defo want to look into hypnobirthing, gonna see what I can find later. Might also help with the anxiety before hand as well as at the birth.


I remember saying that I would never want a baby due to what i would have to go through to have one (as in labour/birth) I'm really really bad with pain and nearly cry having a blood test!:roll:

It's my first time but for some reason, I'm just not feeling as nervous as I should be seeing as how I was but I know as soon as this whole thing starts and I get a little bit of contractions, i'm going to be spazzin' lol

I'm excited at the same time but I think the thought of getting an epidural keeps me going quite a lot.
Hey littlemiss! I am naturally an anxious person and I keep having moments of panic about it all, sometimes catch myself thinking 'what have I done, I can't birth and look after a baby?!' but I am fortunate to have v supportive OH and mum who keep reassuring me that I am more than capable!......This is my first so I don't have a previous experience to relate to but it must be hard for u with what happened with your 1st, however, this is a different baby, a different life, a different time, u cannot think 'what if this....what if that...' all the time, because u can't change anything by worry.......Easy to say, incredibly hard to do, but we have to try otherwise u end up going crazy with anxiety!.......Our bodies are made to labour and birth children and we have to trust that even without any conscious thought our bodies can do this (this is something I have learnt from natal hypnotherapy)......if u can I would borrow someones natal hypnotherapy book or cd (or buy one?) and have a good read/listen for what time is left.......I do think it has/is helping me and I hope it can be the same for u! Second time round is usually quicker and easier hun, I am sure u will do great and everything will be fine xxxxx
It's natural for you to be scared after your traumatic time last time. I'd def say get a hypno cd it's worth a try. Practice your breathing too, staying calm and relaxed will help too. Best thing is to not worry yourself about labour until it happens, thats what i did, just didnt think about any pain or anything going wrong until it started. You might get lucky and have a speedy labour as well x
Sarah - fingers crossed i'm as lucky as you! But you did amazing anyway!

Your right, there's no point in worrying about it, coz i'm gonna worry about it at the time, right!?

I need to see it as a natural process, as mum2b410 said, our bodies are made to do this & after all, no matter how long, it isn't gonna last forever!

I feel so silly about it tbh. I'm a worrier at the best of times. And I suppose the suprise of when it will come is all part of the excitement. There's no reason why we wouldn't be ok if baby comes, we have everything we'll need for a baby coming home - just a few more non-urgent bits to buy.

I dont know if it might be adding to my anxiety, but we still aren't 100% on names, & we still dont know who will watch our other daughter.

Hun u will be fine, def listen or read the hypnobirthing CD/book, soo relaxing. My Sis was prepared for the worst for her 2nd baby as she had a difficult and v long first but all went really well and quickly second time around and she was really pleasantly surprised. I am sure the same will happen to you xxx turn the anxiety into more excitement.....remember you are doing an amazing thing giving birth to your baby and your body is completely made for this xxx
How you feeling today? We weren't 100% on names but if you have a shortlist you will find one jumps out on the day. Have you got any family and friends local who can be on call at different times of day or night for your little girl? I had to run round to my neighbor at last and see if she could have my daughter and dog overnight if Hubby wasn't home! Myself and another friend were also on call when one of our friends went into labour, most people are happy to help out.
Thanks ladies

Yeah have 2 names for each sex.

Dont have anyone that can watch my wee girl, both my parents & OH's parents work full time as well as all our friends & other family & we dont speak to any neighbours. So only help we can get is at night time or the school October week (week i'm due) worst comes to the worst i'll need to go to hospital myself while OH stays at home. If it happens during the school hols she'll go to my parents no matter what time of day - if it happens outwith that she can still go to my parents during the night but not 9-5 when they'll be at work. They could possibly drop her at school but we'd have no one to pick her up from school so OH would need to be there for that. looool such confusion.

dont feel silly babe.. u know i feel the same :hug:
i bought a hypno cd havent got round to listening to it yet but just reading the little booklet that came with it really relaxed me about it all!! so if you dont want to do the cd thing its worth reading up about it..


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