Really poorly hope baby is ok


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2006
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Since about April i have came down with 3 lots of flu symptoms. Sore throat pains all over, Temperature and sickness/diaoreah(sorry spellings) going the doctors today just hope the baby is ok feel so down being so poorly for ages.
Sorry to hear that honey, hopefully the doc will be able to help.

Sorry your not feeling well hun, let us know how u go on at the docs xx
I've just got over a really bad illness too but I don't think it has affected bean- well I hope not :(
I will keep you posted sure all will be ok. Might just be run down going at 4.30 today
I have had the flu twice since being pregnant and it sucks coz you just can't dose yourself up with Beechams like you normally would!

I went and got loads of oranges and soluble vit C and drank as much orange juice as I could without making myself ill!

I hope you feel better soon, I reckon little bean will be ok, they are the one that's getting all the good stuff which is why you are run down.

Look after yourself :hug:
i was ill in dec 06 and jan 06 with 2 different colds. think jan one i was :puke: up and was worried about baby and if i had any food left for bbay but body goes into emergency mode think to supply baby. my babys fine tho :) im am sure yours is too :)
Sorry you have been feeling so bad, hope you feel better soon, I am sure baby is fine, look after your self and let us know how you get on at the docs. xx
Feeling much better today. Been given a course of antibiotics cos the doctor said i have a little water infection. Seems to be sorting everything out. even the diorrhea cant spell sorry. Thanks for replying as i was feeling really down. can hopefully enjoy my pregnancy again.

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