Been so poorly :-(


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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Hi girls
well i thought i was in the best of health with my pregnancy until i reached tri 3! ever since i have suffered with back, rib pain and leg pain. Since Tuesday i have been off work with a flu virus. i have never been so poorly before. Been in bed the whole time, got chest infection, sore throat, cold, feel sick, diorhea, fever, headaches, terrible heartburn and also more back and rib pain where baby is pushing into!

I do feel a bit better today than i have been though. My main concern was baby and would it affect him. i havent been abel to eat much at all and i was so worried baby would be affected. the docs said not to worry though as baby will live off my nutrients for a few days.

Hope everyone else is having a healthy tri 3.
Poorly Laura x
oh bless you looks like you been hit with everything at once. :hug: my advice is to rest up don't rush around thinking you are better in my experience you will only get poorly again so promise to take it easy, plenty of fluids, and baby will be fine they are very resilient. :hug:
Awwwwww poor you :hug: There's a lot of nasty bugs around atm, but you're right baby will be just fine, and hopefully you will be soon too :hug: If the heartburn doesn't clear up when you're more mobile, you can try gaviscon for it, your gp will be able to help :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:

sounds like you've had the lot ...hope your health picks up now
That's awful, being ill and having those pregnancy symptoms, and here's me hoping i don't get a cold and go into labour.. :hug:
Hope you're feeling better soon. My GP has said the same to me before about baby living off my baby will be fine :hug:

Get plenty of rest :hug:

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