really pissed off.. mind your god damn business!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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just had an answerphone message from the local infant feeding specialist ~( a bf hv for the area) saying...

my health visitor has phoned her and told ehr edwards lost another 20g can i ring her as soon as possible so she can come out to see me..

when i went to bfing support tuesday the bfing midwife also told me my hv had rung her to tell her that eds not putting on much weight

the fact is.. edward was 11.5lb on the 19th of march and 11.8 on the 2nd of april.. so hes gained 2oz.. he hasnt lost anything wtf is my hv on about.. really really pisses me off.. yeah ok fine to be conserned but fuck the hell off get ur facts straight before you start ringing people...really makes you doubt your doing the right thing by feeding your baby.. checking up on me to make sure i had gone to breastfeeding support.. cant believe it! like ive got a keeper ffs
:twisted: :twisted:

Think the operative words are "support" and "service"


"minders" or "keepers"

thats the only problem with these sorts of people. Some of them let it go to their heads and think its license to interfere where ever they want.

Dont worry lady. Your doing a grand job. Ignore the f*ckers

:hug: :hug:
Spoke 2 u on MSN chick :)

Your doin a fantastic job and dont u doubt it! :D
Dan is only just over a week old and already I have had a mini run in with a HV! She more or less 'told' me to change my schedule to fit in with a home visit! I am afraid that I hate interference, so was a little blunt to her.

Back to you though, take NO notice and as happy_chick has just said, do NOT doubt yourself :hug:
went to bed.. and slept on it.. i think im going to phone the other health visitor jane after i have spoken to the infant support feeder woman.. and say that i would prefur to not see helen as she isnt supporting me the way i want to be supported she has actually caused my husband to think i am lieing to him about edward (a professionals always right syndrome).. and for me to doubt myself. which isnt what i want out of a health visirot.. she has actually made 2 mistakes now and hes only 14 weeks old.. doesnt give me great faith in her tbh..
Lisa I would defintely change health visitors if shes making you feel bad. You are doing such great job by feeding Edward, dont doubt yourself for one minute chick - hes doing great and just because hes not piling on the pounds just means hes taking his time and hes a tiny guy like my tiny girl. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Dont stop breastfeeding and tell people to mind their business in future. Hes your son and you are doing the best thing for him.
I hate HV.... they aren't happy unlewss they have something to moan at. I just humour my one.... she once told me I washed Arianna's bedding too much :? This is when she was younger and had bad reflux, like I was going to let her sleep in sicky, soured milk sheets :x

You are doing a fantastic job with the feeding of Edward. You've gone to see the right people at the support groups so what more does she want? I would defo speak to the other HV and say you don't want the moaning one back! :hug:
my HV is lovely,i must be lucky there! really supportive and helpful. I don't understand the ones that r not. maybe its a power thing!

all long as your getting the help you need thats all that matters
thats awful, talk about going behind your back. She needs a slap
That is crap... I remember my ex HV... she called me after Tia was admitted to hospital with meningitis to tell me she had been contacted by A&E and I should be more careful about sterilising in the future to prevent stomach upsets, basically the hospital A&E report said admitted due to vomiting ... Tia was still in hospital at that time.. and I just exploded at her on the phone, and refused to see her again.. I also put in an official complaint.

If Ed has been gaining weight well with breastfeeding, and has all of a sudden started not gaining well.. then there must be a reason behind it... and tbh its probably that as you are under CONSIDERABLE stress atm over the situation with your ex and Charl... then your milk production has probably gone down. In which case, no HV can help you there, unless they are willing to do something about that.

Try getting some fenugreek and eating more milk/cheese/porridge, to see if it helps... :hug: :hug: :hug: You are doing the best you can under very difficult circumstances :hug: :hug: :hug:

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