Really long Braxton Hicks

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Hi girls, just thought I would share incase any of you get this.

Day before yesterday I noticed my belly going hard and staying hard for 2-3 hours! It was still doing it yesterday so I phoned the midwife, she got a doctor to talk to me who said i must go into the delivery ward at the hospital and get checked.

I saw a consultant who said it could be an early sign of labour and did an internal swab but it came back negative. She said it could also be stress but to keep an eye on it, but otherwise it does just occasionally happen.

So if you get really long but painless contractions dont panic. Though if it accompanies bleeding then do panic!
wow that is interesting! i wouldn't have thought to call for that reason. thanks for letting us know hun. did they say whether it may still be a sign for you that you will be early or is it something they rule out when they have done the test?> xx
That's intense! I hope your feeling ok. Thanks for letting us know x x x
Thanks for that hun and glad your ok xx
glad you've called, ive been getting braxton hicks a lot lately, last night i had about 3 in a 10 minute slot, no blood or pain so not a worry :D plus only 30 weeks xxx

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