Really crap day :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Albert had his jabs today and is absolutely devastated :(. I've never heard him cry like this, proper screams and so many tears! Have given him calpol cos every time I touch his legs he starts to scream again. He's so unsettled and even Mr Rabbit and Dee Dee don't make him smile :cry:

Had my consultant about my cysts and he's referring me to a cancer specialist :cry:. Another cyst has appeared since I gave birth and I have to go for blood tests to see if it's progressing to cancer and also if it's genetic. The consultant said I am better off having another baby sooner rather than later as there's a good chance I will lose my ovaries within the next couple of years :cry:

Haven't told anyone what he said yet, not even my OH. Got to make sure I can do it without crying and need to get Albert through his heartbreak first. I knew today would be a bad day :cry: xxxxxxxx
Oh honey what a horrible day for you. I'm so sorry to hear about your cysts, they don't know if it's cancerous yet do they? I really hope it is all ok for you. Poor Bertie too! Sounds like you both need lots of cuddles today xxxx
Awww, sending you huge hugs... Hopefully the calpol will kick in soon for Albert. Emily was exactly the same after her jabs - inconsolable crying and I couldn't get any calpol in her as I stupidly had not got a syringe. :-(
Really hope the consultant gives you good news and that you get an appointment quickly so less time to worry. X
Oh honey what a horrible day for you. I'm so sorry to hear about your cysts, they don't know if it's cancerous yet do they? I really hope it is all ok for you. Poor Bertie too! Sounds like you both need lots of cuddles today xxxx

They don't think it's cancer just yet but my mum lost her ovaries to cancer when she was 31, I'm 34 now, and he doesn't want to take any chances. I'm really pleased they want to keep an eye on me but I just didn't want to hear it iykwim xxxxxxxx
Oh honey what a horrible day for you. I'm so sorry to hear about your cysts, they don't know if it's cancerous yet do they? I really hope it is all ok for you. Poor Bertie too! Sounds like you both need lots of cuddles today xxxx

They don't think it's cancer just yet but my mum lost her ovaries to cancer when she was 31, I'm 34 now, and he doesn't want to take any chances. I'm really pleased they want to keep an eye on me but I just didn't want to hear it iykwim xxxxxxxx

I can relate to how you are feeling BB... My mum had cancer of the ovaries and I know there can be cases where it is hereditary. But I think it is quite unusual for it to be hereditary. There are lots of tests they can do. Really hope all is good for you. Xx
Albert will be fine hun. It's awful to see but it's a pretty standard reaction to the jabs.

I just remind myself they'd be even more upset if they had diphtheria and polio and the other nasties it protects against.

I'm really sorry they have mentioned the c word to you. Think positive that they are monitoring you closely though, that's a really good thing.

And just because it's in your family doesn't necessarily mean you'll get it hun. Xxxxx
Lol Tor I was giving my OH the "the jabs are better than the alternative" lecture all the way to the clinic. I need to remember it myself too!
its horrible seeing them go through it...but he will be back to his normal cheeky self tomorrow and so will you...

keep smiling sweetheart, we are all here for you both :D xxx

Sounds like you have alot to deal with hun. Jabs are freakin awful, can't believe I've gotta put another LO through it so soon :cry:

Massive :hug: to you too xxx
oh BB :( big hugs its not what you wanted to hear i know but at least you are getting seen about them and they know whats for the best.

Bertie will get better :) i hated it for Max its not nice but they do get back to normal after a few days maximum, and yes its better than what they could get!! just give him lots of cuddles and calpol.

im gonna PM you xxxx
alyssa hated the first jabs but we had our second ones today and they werent as bad, she didnt even cry on the first one, had a lil cry at the 2nd one and shes asleep now and was smiley afterwards so dont worry hun they get better. ooh maybe you can be my december ntnp ttc buddy then lol. try and look on the bright side hun, theyre monitoring it and it isnt cancer so far x
im dreading the jabs.
Big hugs to you xxx
alyssa hated the first jabs but we had our second ones today and they werent as bad, she didnt even cry on the first one, had a lil cry at the 2nd one and shes asleep now and was smiley afterwards so dont worry hun they get better. ooh maybe you can be my december ntnp ttc buddy then lol. try and look on the bright side hun, theyre monitoring it and it isnt cancer so far x

i will be ntnp around december too
yay clare we could be tri buddies again if were lucky lol :)
yeah......actually properly ttc around feb when she is 1...but i think pills run out around when it comes to then i will decide whether to get another 3 months worth or just stay off them
Try giving him a bath with you. That worked for Macy.

And they are keeping an eye on you and the doctors we have now are amazing and you sound like you are in the right hands.
yeah......actually properly ttc around feb when she is 1...but i think pills run out around when it comes to then i will decide whether to get another 3 months worth or just stay off them

yeah i have another months worth of the pill then have to get more. will deffo not be taking anything from dec onwards, maybe earlier depending on when the next lot of pills run out lol
I certainly won't be using any contraception except condoms

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